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Arc System Works

The release of Krafton Game Union’s RPG Mistover is fast approaching – it’ll be available worldwide on October 10th via the Switch eShop. Today, Arc System Works announced that they will be publishing a physical release of Mistover in Japan early next year, on January 23rd. This won’t just be a regular physical edition, but a special version with some extra goodies: for 5,800 Yen, this release will contain the game itself, a special box, an artbook, a download code for the game’s soundtrack as well as some additional in-game content. There’s been no word yet on a worldwide release for this physical version.

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Bandai Namco and Arc System Works have readied a new Dragon Ball FighterZ character trailer highlighting the addition of Gogeta (SSGSS). Watch it below.

Gogeta (SSGSS) will be available in Dragon Ball FighterZ starting September 26.

Arc System Works released a new trailer for River City Melee Mach!! today. This team, they’re introducing the Kirisame High School Team:

Arc System Works released a new Japanese trailer for BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Special Edition today, which you can watch below:

The “Special Edition” contains the base game as well as every piece of DLC released for BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, including the upcoming final pack. So far, the Special Edition only seems to be getting a standalone release in Japan. In the rest of the world, players can purchase the final DLC pack separately. The release date for both of them is the same – November 21.

Bandai Namco has shared an official gameplay video highlighting Gogeta (SSGSS) in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Have a look at the footage below.

During a live stream today, Arc System Works unveiled the final set of DLC characters that will be offered for BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle as part of version 2.0.

The full list is as follows:

Arc System Works released a new Japanese trailer for River City Melee Mach!! today. This video introduces the Legend Team, one of the new teams that have been added to this version of the game.

River City Melee Mach!! will be available on the Switch eShop on October 10.

Dragon Ball FighterZ character Gogeta (SSGSS) has received a release date. Bandai Namco and Arc System Works have settled on a launch of September 26, the latest issue of V-Jump reveals.

Broly (DBS) is the final character that will be added for Dragon Ball FighterZ’s current season pass. Aside from Gogeta (SSGSS), other roster additions include Jiren, Videl, Goku (GT), and Janemba.


Gogeta (SSGSS), the latest character revealed as DLC for Dragon Ball FighterZ, has received some demonstration of gameplay during this weekend’s TGS 2019.

YouTube channel PS360HD2 has provided footage of the moveset breakdown. Those interested can check it out below. 

Arc System Works has issued a new system trailer for River City Melee Mach!!, which launches for Switch worldwide on October 10. Check it out below.

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