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Arc System Works

This week’s issue of Famitsu has revealed a new River City Ransom game from Arc System Works. The company is developing “Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigeki”, according to the magazine.

Here’s what we know thus far:

– Out on May 28
– Takes place several years after the NES game Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki da yo Zenin Shugo
– Up to four characters can be in a party
– These include Kunimasa (Kunio / Alex in River City Ransom), Tsurumatsu (Kaoru Sonokawa / Harry in River City Ransom), and two henchman
– Can now wield a sword thanks to the game’s new “Katana Action” element
– The sword is powerful but uses energy each time you swing it
– If you use up all your energy and your stamina is depleted, you won’t be able to restore it
– Story Mode, Mission Mode, and Battle Royale Mode
– Up to 4 players can play together in Battle Royale mode


Thanks to the official website, we have several character details for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden. Read on below for some information about Goku and other characters in the game.


– Moves include x20 Kaio-ken Kamehameha and the Spirit Bomb
– Overall balanced character with nice reach with his attacks
– His speed helps him pull off combos in mid-air with ease


– Special attacks include his Final Flash and Galick Gun
– Uses speed and tricky movements
– Various combos as well

Teen Gohan

– Has excellent reach with his powerful dash attacks
– Can also use his Masenko attack and more
– Doesn’t sound like a combo-heavy character like Goku and Vegeta
– Has some surprising and powerful mid-ranged attacks that he can use to his advantage

Trunks (Future/Super)

– Attacks include Buster Flash and Buster Cannon
– Specializes at mid-ranged attacks like Gohan
– Aso has attacks that can help instantly close the distance between him and his opponents


Bandai Namco released the first screenshots from Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden. View them (and the game’s logo) in the gallery above. Access the teaser site here.

Another scan has come in for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden. In it, we see that Master Roshi’s turtle and Videl will be included as support characters. Support characters can be accessed at the tap of an icon.


Shin’en confirmed on Twitter today that a new update is now available for Family Tennis SP. The patch brings the game up to version 1.1. According to Shin’en, the update addresses an issue with uneven audio levels in some sections of the game.


Family Tennis SP launched on the Wii U eShop yesterday. The game is out in both North America and Europe. If you’re curious about the download size, the game weighs in at about 271MB.


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