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Bandai Namco

We already knew that a Pokken Tournament DX demo was coming, but we now have a more concrete date – the demo will be available on the Switch eShop this Thursday, August 24th.

Also, another new character trailer for the game has been released. This one focuses on Gengar:


A new Pokken Tournament DX interview has gone live with the game’s developers. Bandai Namco’s Masaaki Hoshino and Haruki Suzaki discuss their favorite moves, what excites them about the new Switch version, and how they decided which Pokemon would be playable. Watch the full interview below.

A few years ago, Bandai Namco created the board game Gotouchi Tetsudou (Local Railroads: Local Characters and a Journey All Around Japan) for Wii U and 3DS. That same game is now crossing over to Switch.

Bandai Namco announced Gotouchi Tetsudou for Nintendo’s new console today. Some new elements are planned, including the appearance of Angel Ojapon, voice acting (Masako Nozawa, the voice of Goku is lending her talents), new events, and new mini-games.

Bandai Namco intends to release Gotouchi Tetsudou for Switch in Japan this winter. We have plenty of information in our Wii U / 3DS announcement post here

During the Pokken Tournament World Championships, it was announced that a demo is planned for Pokken Tournament DX. We currently have this tweet to go by:

That’s the only information we have, unfortunately. No word on what will be included in the demo, and when it will be available.


Nintendo has published the video it will be using as the commercial for Pokken Tournament DX in North America. Watch the advert below.

The latest character trailer for Pokken Tournament DX is out and this time, it’s Scizor’s turn. Watch the Bug/Steel type in action:

The latest Pokken Tournament DX character trailer has been published – this one focuses on Mewtwo. Give it a watch:

One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition is digital-only in North America, but Bandai Namco will be offering the game as a physical title in Europe. Have a look at the boxart above as posted by Amazon UK.

If you’re in North America, you can import One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition from Amazon here. The page says it doesn’t ship to the US, but you can in fact place an order.

The next character trailer for Pokken Tournament DX has been released. This time, it’s Empoleon’s turn, another character that has previously only been playable in the arcade version of the game.

The latest character trailer for Pokken Tournament DX has been published – this time, the focus is on Darkrai. Give it a watch:

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