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Bandai Namco

We have a couple of new details about Kamen Rider: Battride War 2. As revealed in this week’s Japanese magazines, the main story follows Baron, Ryugen, and Gaim after they wander into a mysterious room in Ieyasu Castle. Other confirmed characters include Strawberry Arms, Pineapple Arms, Ryuga, Auto Vajin, and Bujin Gaim.


Following Bandai Namco’s European/Australian announcement earlier today, the company has now confirmed One Piece: Unlimited World Red for North America as well. It’ll be available on the same platforms – Wii U (digital only), 3DS, PS3, and PS Vita (digital only). The game is due out later in 2014.

Source: Bandai Namco PR

Update: Also confirmed for North America.

Bandai Namco has confirmed One Piece: Unlimited World Red for overseas territories, but today’s announcement comes with some surprising news.

In Japan, One Piece: Unlimited World Red was a 3DS-exclusive title. However, the European and Australian release will also be made available on Wii U, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita.

Here’s the game’s official overview:

If you’re wondering what the heck this entire thing is about, check out our earlier report here. 

A new rating for Pac-Land has appeared on the OFLC. The listing likely pertains to a future re-release on the Virtual Console. OFLC doesn’t specify any platform, so it could be for the Wii U, 3DS, or both systems.

Source, Via

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