New Bravely Second scan and details
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News | 4 Comments
In a scan from Jump magazine, they have appeared to have revealed a look at a new character for Bravely Second.
The character’s name is Tiz Arrior (might recognize the name from before), who could posses some sort of magic abilities as he is featured with a dark orb.
A new job seems to have also been reveled called “Gaurdian”.
Stay tuned for continued updates as we await this titles release.
More: Bravely Second
Another round of Bravely Second details – Edea playable, Patissier job information
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Siliconera has an article covering a few more details for Bravely Second. It’s now essentially confirmed that Edea is playable (rather than just appearing in the story), and we have more on the Patissier job. Read on below for the latest details.
– Patissier job’s Asterisk Holder in Angelo W. Panettone shown in the latest live stream
– He has a following of crazed girls that say his sweets are “to die for” when asked about them
– Square Enix also showed what the Patissier job looks like during the stream
– Edea was shown in the party, which seems to confirm she’s playable
– Patissier’s abilities focus on making snacks
– This includes the “patisserie” ability that lets you use ingredients you have to make cakes
– Make different cakes like the Poison Cake, Blind Cake, Fire Cake
– Fire Cake can hit enemy weaknesses
– The Patissier has other abilities like ones that help you pick up items, and another one that lets you choose a party member to get attacked more frequently
More: Bravely Second, details roundup, Japan, Square Enix
Another Bravely Second live stream recording, details on “Barter Sub-Scenario” system
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Videos | 0 comments
Dengeki recently held another live stream recording for Bravely Second. Producer Tomoya Asano and shared more on the game’s “Barter Sub-Scenario” system. You can find that information below (thanks Siliconera).
– In the Barter Sub-Scenario, Edea takes on the lead role, where you’ll encounter Asterisk Holders from Bravely Default
– Edea talks to 2 Asterisk Holders and listens to their dispute in each scenario
– Edea then must choose one to side with
– Fight against the Asterisk Holder you don’t side with, and you’ll get their Asterisk, or job
– The one you do choose to side with, you’ll get to see more from their story
– Won’t have to fight them, but you won’t get their job
– Asano doesn’t specify whether we can get their jobs later on in the game
– This is a form of “ultimate decision making”
– The Barter Sub-Scenario will bring back many Asterisk Holders
– Edea’s Japanese voice actress Mai Aizawa says that these are the parts where she has a good amount of voiceover work
– Ex: Thief Asterisk Holder Jackal asks Edea to help him, the man that has been helping out the thirsty
– The Red Mage Asterisk Holder Fiore DeRosa then asks Edea to defeat Jackal, for the sake of the future and mankind
– While it doesn’t show why exactly the two have been arguing, they say that there’s actually quite a lot of story development behind these Barter Sub-Scenarios
– No right/wrong answer for who you should side with
– There will be something nice for those who start the game with Bravely Default save data
– Details on this coming in the near future
More: Bravely Second, details roundup, Japan, Square Enix
Another Bravely Second live-stream scheduled for today on NicoNico
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Starting in just about an hour the latest Bravely Second live-stream will focus on the demo with the latest AR movie, as well as some gameplay and questions.
The format for the stream seems to be very similar to the last one.
Quests will be the same as the previous stream as well:
– Mai Aizawa (Edea Lee VA, now confirmed to be in the game)
– Tomoya Asano (Producer)
– Takahashi Masashi (Assistant Producer)
– Goemon (Dengeki Online staff)
Time Zones:
Europe: 1PM
UK: 12PM
North America (East): 7AM
North America (West): 4AM
Japan: 9PM
More: Bravely Second, Livestream, niconico
Video: A look at the new AR movie from Bravely Second’s updated demo
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
More: Bravely Second, demo, Japan, Square Enix
Square Enix updating Bravely Second demo in Japan
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Square Enix will be updating the Bravely Second demo that previously released in Japan. It will include a new job (Exorcist), new quest and events, AR movies, and elements for the Moon Base reconstruction. This is planned for February 4.
More: Bravely Second, demo, Japan, Square Enix
Additional information about Edea Lee’s role in Bravely Second, other details
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Square Enix passed along another batch of information about Bravely Second today. The latest details cover Edea Lee’s role in the game, other characters, and jobs. Read on below for the information, courtesy of Gematsu’s translation.
Character Profile
Edea Lee, Guard Knight Captain, Eternian Army
In Bravely Default, after coming to harbor doubts about the methods of her unit, Edea fled the Eternian army and joined up with Agnes as she toured the world. Having helped save Luxendarc from impending doom and returned to Eternian’s armed forces, going so far as becoming captain of the newly formed Guard Knights, she helps out her father Braev as she works on rebuilding her country. Alongside Agnes, the new pope of the Crystal Orthodoxy, she was making progress in achieving peace between the Duchy and the Orthodoxy, but upon hearing of Agnes’ kidnapping, she heads off on her own to the various towns of Eternia in the hopes of learning more about the situation at hand.
More: Bravely Second, details roundup, Japan, Square Enix
New Bravely Second screenshots/art
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 1 Comment
More: Bravely Second, Japan, Square Enix
Edea to return as one of the main characters for Bravely Second
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 2 Comments
In the recent Bravely Second live-stream we learned that Edea will be returning in the upcoming title, Bravely Second.
Now in this week’s issue of Famitsu we see a glimpse of what she will look like as well as some additional details about how she has evolved.
She appears to have grown up slightly as the artwork is showing her as being a little older.
Edea is now the leader of the Imperial Guard Knights, and will now be one of the main characters.
It is unknown at this time if she will be a completely playable character this time, she is said to be returning to “judge” the Asterisk holders from the previous game.
Famitsu also revealed that there will be a new “Barter Sub Scenario System”.
There will be additional information about the Patissier job in next week’s issue.