First Penguin Wars Switch screenshots
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Switch eShop | 1 Comment
Famitsu published the first screenshots of the new Penguin Wars remake for Switch. We’ve got them in the gallery below.
More: City Connection, Penguin Wars
Penguin Wars remake announced for Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 7 Comments
Penguin Wars was originally made as an arcade title in 1985 before reaching additional platforms, including Game Boy. A remake of the title is now in development for Switch, according to the latest issue of Famitsu.
Penguin Wars has two players facing off against each other. Both participants start out with five balls on their side of the table. Ultimately, all ten balls need to end up on one side of the table to declare a winner.
More: City Connection, Penguin Wars, top
Soldam: Bloom Declaration English footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
As mentioned yesterday, the Japanese Switch eShop game Soldam: Bloom Declaration was patched yesterday to support multiple languages. Have a look at the title in English below.
Soldam: Bloom Declaration patched to have international language support
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 4 Comments
We’ve known for a while now that Soldam: Bloom Declaration was going to be released outside Japan, and it seems like we’re now pretty close to that point. Today, the Japanese version was updated to version 1.1, and among some other changes, the game is now fully playable in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Although it isn’t confirmed yet, this likely means that the game will be released on the European and North American Switch eShop pretty soon. If you don’t want to wait, simply download the game from the Japanese eShop and make sure to update the game to its latest version.
Soldam 2 trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 2 Comments
Ahead of its Japanese launch this week, a trailer has been published online for the Switch eShop puzzle game Soldam 2. We have it below.
More: City Connection, Soldam 2
First Soldam 2 footage
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 1 Comment
The first footage from the Switch eShop puzzler Soldam 2 was just shown on a Japanese live stream. We’ve posted the recording below.
More: City Connection, Soldam 2
New Soldam Switch game confirmed for North America and Europe
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 4 Comments
This week, City Connection announced a sequel to the arcade and Game Boy puzzle game Soldam. It’s planned for release on the Japanese eShop for Switch’s launch, but it will be published in the west as well under the name “Soldam 2”. Confirmation about the North American and European version was posted on the official Twitter account today.
There’s no word at the moment about any sort of release date sadly. Details will be announced “later” for western territories.
Nintendo Switch "soldam 2" will be released on March 3 (planned). ? North America Europe version will be announced in detail later.
— ?????????/???????? (@claricedisc) February 18, 2017
More: City Connection, Soldam 2
Soldam: Declaration of Blooming announced for Switch, planned as eShop launch title in Japan
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Switch eShop | 3 Comments
Way back in the day, Jaleco created the puzzle game “Soldam” for arcades and the Game Boy. Now on Switch, it seems that it’s being revitalized.
This week’s issue of Famitsu shares first details about Soldam: Declaration of Blooming. It’s coming from nCity Connection.
Soldam: Declaration of Blooming features a new visual design, sounds, and game modes. The core gameplay is the same though, which has players lining up blocks called soldams to remove them. It’s similar to Tetris in some ways.
Three modes will be available:
Dig Dug II, City Connection hitting the North American Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 4 Comments
This week’s North American Wii U Virtual Console titles are now confirmed. Starting tomorrow, Dig Dug II and City Connection will both be available on the eShop.
Here’s the brief Dig Dug overview:
“Dig Dug has decided to take a vacation on a remote island, but the Pooka and Fygar won’t give him the chance to rest! In each round, clear out the enemies by inflating them until they burst or by digging up traps for them to fall into. But be careful that you don’t get too close to their attacks or fall into your own traps!”
And the City Connection description:
“After breaking into a paint store in New York City, the cops are now coming after you! Carrying leaky 10-gallon paint cans, drive over every mile of New York City highways before catching a boat to England. From there, you will go on a tour of the world, avoiding the police and leaking paint all over the place. Your only defense: picking up oil cans left on highways and throwing them at police cars. Send the police for a spin, and knock them off the road as you make your getaway!”
Pricing for Dig Dug II and City Connection is set at $4.99 each.