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Devil’s Third

Devil’s Third has added a new Ignition mode in multiplayer, footage of which is below.

In Ignition mode, there are two teams: attack and defense. Those on the attacking side need to place and detonate a bomb while the defending group naturally must prevent it from going off. The team with the most round wins will take the overall match.

New content has made its way to Devil’s Third in Europe and Japan. Valhalla Game Studios has unlocked a “Gladiator” Drill mode, “Delta” Siege area, and “Mitchell” Special Arms.

Players can earn five times the experience points in “Gladiator” until September 22 and 2 AM CEST. Additionally, five times the area rewards can be obtained in the Siege area “Delta” until the same time.

Check out some footage of the Gladiator Drill mode in Devil’s Third below.

A few days ago, Devil’s Third added a new Guardian rule set for online play. You’ll find some footage of it in the video below.

Tomorrow, a new rule set will be added to Devil’s Third in Europe and Japan.

The game will be receiving the new “Guardian” Drill mode. Those who play the rule set between September 8 and September 15 can receive five times the experience points.

Before this new content is added in, Devil’s Third will be undergoing a few hours of maintenance. Online play will be affected between 2 AM and 5 AM CEST.


On his personal Facebook page, Devil’s Third creator Tomonobu Itagaki commented on the reviews the Wii U game has been receiving thus far. The average score currently sits at a 41 percent on Metacritic.

Itagaki acknowledged the negative critical reception, but feels that “most of the people reviewing the game weren’t given a chance to evaluate it properly.” Whereas Devil’s Third’s online play was designed “to be enjoyed together with tons of people”, he has the impression that “dozens of reviewers were only allowed to try the game in a closed environment.” Itagaki added that he values player feedback to a much greater extend.

Head past the break for Itagaki’s full message.

On September 1, Nintendo and Valhalla Game Studios will be adding new content to Devil’s Third. The game will be receiving a new rule set, area, and Special Arms – as shown in the image above. Additionally, players can earn five times the experience when playing the Carnival rule set between September 1 and September 8.


Reviews for Devil’s Third are now starting to hit the net as the embargo has been lifted. Here’s a look at the early verdicts thus far:

GameSpot – 3 / 10
DigitalSpy – 1 / 5
Nintendo Life – N/A
GamesRadar – 1.5 / 5
Kotaku – “No”
Eurogamer – N/A
VideoGamer – N/A
EDGE – 3 / 10
Nintendo World Report – 3.5 / 10

Devil’s Third is arriving in Europe this Friday. North America is getting the game on December 11.

Those who pre-order Devil’s Third on the Nintendo UK store will be given a special bonus. If you reserve the title, you’ll be given the t-shirt pictured above. Orders can be placed here.


Nintendo UK has gone live with a gameplay ad for Devil’s Third, which launches on August 28. Watch it below.

A few more videos have come in showing the online gameplay in Devil’s Third. Check them out below.

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