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Fire Emblem Heroes

Some new seasonal characters are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes including: Jakob, Sakura, Henry and Nowi all in Halloween variant costumes. You can check out all the characters in their costumes below.

The Grand Hero Battle featuring Ursula’s return is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Like we stated in yesterday’s post, you can obtain a 3 star version, a 4 star version and a 4 star version with Hero Feathers of Ursula if you can beat the map on Hard, Lunatic, or Infernal difficulty.

There is also a new teaser image that the official Japanese Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account has posted showing off a new banner coming to the game. The tweet states that the new banner will be coming to the game next Monday on October 30th and promises Login bonuses tied in with it. By the looks of the new image shows and the date it is releasing on, we are guessing that the new banner might be something Halloween theme related.


The Grand Hero Battle featuring Ursula is returning to Fire Emblem Heroes tomorrow. As usual, you can obtain a 3 star version, a 4 star version and a 4 star version with Hero Feathers of Ursula if you can beat the map on Hard, Lunatic, or Infernal difficulty.

The newest summoning focus will deal with fliers, focusing on Hisoka, Caeda and Minerva. The focus will help try to get players Hone Fliers, Fortify Fliers and Ward Fliers.

The latest Tempest Trials event in Fire Emblem Heroes has now started. Genealogy of Light, as the name implies, features character from Genealogy of the Holy War and will last for two weeks.  The 40% bonus characters are Sigurd, Ayra, Deirdre and Tailtiu. The 20% bonus characters are Arvis, Arden, Eldigan and Lachesis.

Arden is also the main reward of this Tempest Trial, with the 4-star version being the 6,000 points reward and the 5-star version at 30,000 points. Other notable rewards include three new Sacred Seals: Brash Assault 1 (Unit automatically makes a follow-up when at HP < 30% and attacking a foe that can counter) at 12,000 points, Atk Smoke 1 (After combat, inflicts Atk -3 on foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions) at 20,000 points and Guidance 1 (If unit has 100% HP, infantry and armored allies within 2 spaces can move to a space adjacent to unit) at 40,000 points.

As mentioned earlier today, new Developer Challenge maps are now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. You can see what these have to offer in the video below.

Fire Emblem Heroes is putting players to the test with a new set of maps. These aren’t ordinary maps as you’ll encounter “ultra strong” units that were trained by the developers.

Five maps in total can be found and each one has three types of difficulty levels. Ultimately, we’re looking at 15 maps in total.

To celebrate the launch of Fire Emblem Warriors there will be a login bonus for Fire Emblem Heroes where you will be able to login 10 times to receive the orb bonuses. The event lasts from today to November 4th. Also the Genealogy of Light Tempest Trial will be beginning on October 23rd as a reminder and it will go until November 6th.

The 5th Tempest Trials event for Fire Emblem Heroes was just announced. This new Tempest Trials event is called Genealogy of Light, and will be live from October 23rd to November 6th.

There is a new Summoning Focus is available now that is tied in with the newest Tempest Trials. It features 5 star versions of Ayra, Eldigan, and Lachesis who will be appering in the Genealogy of Light Tempest Trial.

Fire Emblem Heroes was updated once again with a new Arvis Grand Hero Battle and special map. watch a bit of footage of the content below.

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