Fire Emblem Heroes: Arvis Grand Hero Battle is now live
Posted on 7 years ago by Andrew in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The Grand Hero Battle featuring Arvis is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. As usual, you can obtain a 3 star version, a 4 star version and a 4 star version with Hero Feather of Arvis if you can beat the map on Hard, Lunatic, or Infernal difficulty.
The Grand Hero Battle featuring Arvis will be available until October 26.
Fire Emblem Heroes: Arvis Grand Hero Battle starts tomorrow
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
It has been a while since the last new one, but Fire Emblem Heroes’ next Grand Hero Battle starts tomorrow. It’ll feature Arvis, who’s from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, just like Sigurd, Deirdre and Tailtiu from the recent summoning focus.
Fire Emblem Heroes will receive maintenance on October 23rd
Posted on 7 years ago by Nick in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Due to a planned update to optimize server communication a scheduled maintenance will take place October 23rd from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. CST. You will be unable to play Fire Emblem Heroes at this time.
Fire Emblem Heroes – World of Holy War Paralogue Map and summoning footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Videos | 5 Comments
Fire Emblem Heroes added in new content based on Genealogy of the Holy War earlier today. Players can take on World of Holy War Paralogue maps and participate in new summons. Check out some footage below.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Holy War characters now available
Posted on 7 years ago by Nick in Mobile, News | 5 Comments
The newest summoning focus features the characters from Genealogy of the Holy War as well as some new paralogue missions. Once again the characters are Sigurd, Tailtiu and Deirdre. There will also be special quests available with the new paralogues. The event will last until October 30th.
Ninian wins the Fire Emblem Heroes: Blood of the Dragons Voting Gauntlet
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 24 Comments
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems held a Blood of the Dragons Voting Gauntlet for Fire Emblem Heroes this past week. Today, a winner was crowned.
Ninian ended up facing Female Corrin in the final round. It was pretty close, but fans ultimately pushed Ninian to victory. The final count was 62,021,191,447 votes for Ninian and 61,409,522,227 votes for Female Corrin.
Source: Fire Emblem Heroes
Fire Emblem Heroes – World of Holy War trailer and sacred coin quests
Posted on 7 years ago by Nick in Mobile, Videos | 2 Comments
A new trailer, which is down below, shows off three new heroes coming off to Fire Emblem Heroes as well as the paralogue quests that come with them. These heroes include Tailtiu, Deirdre, and Sigurd. On top of that there are new sacred coin quests so that you can forge and enhance some seals.
Fire Emblem Heroes: most popular support pairings revealed
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 6 Comments
The support system, a staple of the Fire Emblem series, was recently added to Fire Emblem Heroes. Given the game’s nature, there are no actual support conversations between the characters; instead, the system’s purpose is to increase the stats of the characters. Today, the official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account revealed the 20 most popular support pairings that players were using as of September 29th.
Given the nature of the system, most of the characters on the list are those that are currently dominating the game’s meta and those that synergize well. However, some players clearly opted for more “canonical” support pairings such as Ephraim & Eirika, Ike & Soren and the #1 most popular pairing, Alphonse & Sharena.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Minerva and Maria Bound Hero Battle + Voting Gauntlet footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Videos | 0 comments
Along with a new summoning focus, Fire Emblem Heroes received a Bound Hero Battle involving Minerva and Maria. We have some footage of the event below.
Fire Emblem Heroes: Minerva and Maria’s Battle summoning focus and Bound Hero Battle now live
Posted on 7 years ago by Andrew in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new summoning focus and Bound Hero Battle are now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. The summoning focus is called “Minerva and Maria’s Battle” and it features 5 star versions of Palla, Minerva, and Maria.
The new Bound Hero Battle event is tied in with this new summoning focus and you will be battling against Minerva and Maria in 3 difficulty levels (Hard, Lunatic, Infernal). Clearing each map can score you some orbs to collect.
This summoning focus & Bound Hero Battle will only be available until October 18th.