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Fire Emblem Heroes

The Fire Emblem Heroes app has recently sent out a notification on an upcoming event called the Tempest Trial. This will offer a series of maps that the players will have to complete from start to finish. There will also be a kick-off campaign where if the worldwide player score exceeds 1 billion points within five days everyone will be awarded 10 orbs and 5,000 Hero Feathers.

The event will go through June 8th to June 22nd.

The newest Grand Hero Battle is available to play and this time around it is the sable knight Camus. Just like all the previous battles it will include two difficulties to choose from, hard and lunatic, and will grant you the hero upon victory. His map does not come with quests, but the new June quests have become available.

Along with the battle itself comes a new summoning focus centered on beating the map. The characters n this focus are Olwen, Fae, Jaffar, and young Tiki. The focus and the special map will stay active through June 9th.

The next new Grand Hero Battle will start in Fire Emblem Heroes tomorrow. This time, it’s another horseback unit – Camus. You can see a preview of the map and the enemy configuration above, so start planning!


June is right around the corner, which means another set of Fire Emblem Heroes calendar wallpapers. This month, they feature Chrom and Camilla, who placed fourth in the Choose Your Legends poll before the game’s release. Next month’s wallpapers will feature Ike (Radiant Dawn) and Corrin (female).


The newest summon event is now available for players to try. You now have a chance to summon the bridal versions of Lyn, Caeda and Cordelia as well as newcomer Charlotte (each at 5 stars). The summon also comes with new maps to try in the paralogue section with their own special quests to earn rewards. This event will run until June 6th.

The official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account has announced the bonus heroes for the next (likely three) arena seasons, up until June 20th. As always, having one of these heroes in your arena team will give you bonus points. They are Bride Caeda, Bride Lyn, Bride Cordelia, Bride Charlotte, Lloyd, Henry, Female Corrin, Donnel, Olivia and Sharena.


Nintendo released a new trailer for Fire Emblem Heroes today showing what’s coming to the game on Thursday. Several characters will be featured in a bride-focused summoning event, and a new paralogue story is also planned. Check out the video below.

The Grand Hero Battle with Narcian rematch is now live. For those who have completed this quest already there are special quests for you to earn this character again. This battle and the quests will be available until June 2nd.

Fire Emblem Heroes will be having an update on May 29th in preparation for a planned update in June. The update will last for approximately three hours (4:00 – 7:00 PM PST) and players will be unable to play during this time.

Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates’ illustrator Kozaki Yusuke’s group of heroes will be your opponents in the most recent update to Fire Emblem Heroes. These maps will have you battling the characters from Yusuke’s catalog of heroes.

There are five new maps with two difficulty levels for each map, this also comes with additional ten special quests for you to take on as well.

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