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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes’ latest update adds in a one-time log-in bonus to celebrate the Switch’s launch. By logging in before April 2, players will recieve 3,333 Hero Feathers, 3 Stamina Potions, 3 Dueling Crests, and 3 Orbs.

Fire Emblem Heroes has updated again. The update includes new missions for March, giving players various tasks to complete by the end of the month for rewards. If you complete all the missions on a difficulty level, harder missions with greater rewards will be unlocked. The Normal missions and their rewards are as follows:

  • Defeat 5 foes with blue-type allies – 1 Stamina Potion
  • Defeat 5 foes with armored allies – 1 Dueling Crest
  • Defeat 5 green-type enemies – 1 Light’s Blessing
  • Defeat 5 infantry enemies – 1 Orb
  • Defeat 5 enemies that are level 10 or higher – 500 Scarlet Shards
  • Clear Chapter 2-2 with a dagger user on your team – 500 Azure Shards
  • Clear the 2nd Stratum of the Training Tower 5 times – 500 Verdant Shards
  • Win 5 Arena Duels – 500 Transparent Crystal
  • The Fire Emblem Heroes calendar artwork for March has been revealed. This month features the winners of the “Choose your Heroes” event, Ike and Lyn.


    Fire Emblem Heroes adding in a bunch of content earlier today. New heroes are available, as well as Paralogue Maps: Sibling Bonds and related special quests. Watch some footage below.

    Dataminers have poked through the latest Fire Emblem Heroes update and once again found out about some upcoming content. First of all, as we correctly predicted, the next Grand Hero Battle will feature Ursula from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. An upcoming focus banner was also datamined; if the previous one is any indication, this focus will be available during Ursula’s Grand Hero Battle. The 5-star Heroes featured on this focus are Nino, Felicia, Setsuna and Effie.


    Nintendo has released a trailer showing off the newest Fire Emblem Heroes characters, from the Sibling Bonds event. You can watch it below:

    Nintendo has just put out a notice about another new feature on the way to Fire Emblem Heroes in March. With an update, Inherit Skill will be added. Players will be able to pass down skills between units.

    Nintendo wrote on Twitter:


    Fire Emblem Heroes added in the Grand Hero Battle earlier today, providing players with a chance to win over Robin as an alley. Take a look at some footage below.

    Fire Emblem Heroes’ second Grand Hero Battle has just gone live, but we may already know something about the third one.

    Reddit user lighto13 stumbled upon the following: if you tap on “More” on the notification for Robin’s Grand Hero Battle, you get a primer about Grand Hero Battles in general and some more info about Robin specifically, such as her skills as a 5-star unit. At the bottom, there’s this blurb:

    When at 5-stars, this Hero can access her greatest powers as a magician and can learn to wield Gronnwolf+, which is es effective against mounted units. It’s also rumored that she could be very helpful for the next Grand Hero Battle. That is, if you can maker her your ally and level her up in time…

    Given that Gronnwolf+, an anti-cavalry skill, is specifically mentioned just before the line about the next Grand Hero Battle, it seems pretty likely that the next event will feature a cavalry unit – which one, though? Both characters featured in the Grand Hero Battles so far, Narcian and Female Robin, have one thing in common: they are both currently in the game as enemies in story missions, but can’t be summoned as playable characters through the game’s gacha system. There are actually a couple more characters to which this applies – and some of them are cavaliers as well.

    We can likely rule out ???, the masked man seen in the game’s story and one of Fire Emblem Heroes’ original characters. That leaves us with three possible choices – Camus, a Blue lance user, Ursula, a Blue tome user and Xander, a Red sword user. Female Robin, being a Green tome user, would also have the weapon triangle advantage over Camus and Ursula, and her Tomebreaker ability would give her an even bigger edge over Ursula.

    So there you have it – Camus and Ursula seem like the most likely suspects for the next Grand Hero Battle, though Xander is also a possibility. Of course, Intelligent Systems could surprise us and use someone that’s not currently in the game, but we feel pretty confident that it will be one of these three characters.


    Fire Emblem Heroes latest update brings a new Grand Hero Battle and a Summoning Focus. The Grand Hero Battle is against the female version of Robin. The Tactician has two maps. The Normal version costs 10 Stamina, is a Level 25 challenge, and will reward a two-star Robin if completed. The hard version costs 15 Stamina, is a Level 35 challenge, and will reward a three-star Robin. Both maps require all of your units to survive in order to complete. There are screenshots of the battle below.

    There is also a new Summoning Focus, Battling Robin, giving a higher chance of rolling certain five-star Heroes. These are Fir, Tiki (Naga’s Voice version), Hawkeye, and Maria. Both this Focus and the Grand Hero Battle will run until February 27 at 2 AM (EST).

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