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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes is receiving a great deal of new content today in celebration of Book VI. Here’s what’s been added:

New content has come to Fire Emblem Heroes. Check out the details here:

  • [Update] The latest Software update for Fire Emblem Heroes (Ver. 6.0.0) is now available.
  • [Story Maps] A new Squad Assault map is now available: 53rd Assault (no end date)
  • [Events] The Counter Phase of the latest Mjölnir Strike event is now live (available until December 7th)
  • [Other] For a limited time, Android users can get three times the Google Play Points you earn from Fire Emblem Heroes purchases (available until December 12th)
  • [Other] A new Castle design is now available: Closed-Off Castle (no end date)
  • [Coliseum] Season 1 of Summoner Duels is now live (available until December 21st)


A new update is now out for Fire Emblem Heroes. Check out the details of the patch after the break:

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have just come out with the latest Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes. It includes a look at some new characters for Book VI, new Heroes from Fire Emblem Awakening for a summoning event, Summoner Duels, and a new update.

Here’s the full Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes for December 2021:

A new Summoning Event is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes featuring several heroes with the Ardent Sacrifice assist skill. Here are the full details from the official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account:

A new Voting Gauntlet is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes, along with the following content:

  • [Events] Round 1 of the latest Voting Gauntlet event, Sound Tactics, is now live. It features the following match-ups: Larum vs Tethys, Tsubasa vs Mamori, Nils vs Ninian, and Phina vs Eldigan. Check out the special website for more details and up to date results! (available until December 3rd)
  • [Quests] A new set of Quests is now live: Voting Gauntlet (available until December 3rd)
  • [Log-in Bonus] While the latest Voting Gauntlet event is running, all players can get the following as Daily Log-in Bonus: Battle Flag x50 (available until December 7th)
  • [Manga] Chapter 207 of the official Fire Emblem Heroes manga is now available: click here to check it out! (no end date)


New heroes have arrived, alongside a special summon that highlights 5-Star Legendary, Mythic, and New focus Heroes. Check out the details below for what’s going on in Fire Emblem Heroes:

fire emblem heroes Eitri

Fire Emblem Heroes has a pair of special characters on the way with Legendary Hero Eitri and Mythic Hero Thórr. Both will be added this coming week.

Eitri: Youthful Sage is voiced by Lisa Reimold and has art by Kozaki Yusuke. She can use the skills Grim Brokkr, Dragon Fang, Atk/Res Solo 4, Divine Recreation, and Atk/Res Rein 3. As for Thórr: War Goddess, she’s voiced by Laila Berzins and has art from Maeshima Shigeki. Her skills are War-God Mjolnir, Bonfire, Atk/Def Push 4, Flow Guard 3, and Worldbreaker.

Fire Emblem Heroes Book V ending

Book V is coming to an end in Fire Emblem Heroes, and to mark the occasion, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have come out with a new Ending Movie.

Here’s the full video:

The next Resplendent Hero has been revealed for Fire Emblem Heroes, and this one will be Nowi: Eternal Youth. Nowi will be available to Feh Pass subscribers starting on December 9, 2021 at 11pm PT. How Nowi’s variant will look can be viewed in the picture above.

Additionally, the Resplendent Hero Ryoma: Peerless Samurai is available now to Feh Pass subscribers, and the Feh Pass Quests have been updated. These quests will be available until the next Resplendent Hero drops.

Also live now is the 5 star summoning focus for Heroes with Bonfire skills. The heroes included in this are Rinkah, Edelgard, and Nah, and they have their special damage boosted by 50% of their defense.

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