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Fire Emblem Heroes

Dagr: Sun’s Radiance has been announced as a new Mythic Hero for Fire Emblem Heroes. Other Heroes will also be appearing during the same event.

Players can expect Dagr: Sun’s Radiance to go live on March 30. Watch a trailer for the event below.

Fire Emblem Heroes’ Twitter account has opened up a new poll for users to decide what the next New Heroes and Forging Bond events to return are, and some other events are active today. Check out the details below.

  • New Heroes summoning events and their corresponding Forging Bonds events are returning together as event revivals! This time it’s “Heroes, Light and Shadow.” You can choose one 5-star focus Hero to summon for free after summoning a total of 40 times in this event.
  • Forging Bonds Revival: Shape of a Spirit is here! Play the event to earn 10 Divine Codes (Part 2) the first time you clear a map (once per day, up to 7 days). Earn rewards like First Summon Tickets to be used in the “Heroes, Light and Shadow” summoning event!

A new summoning focus is now live, along with some other current events. Check them out here:

  • Heroes with Rouse skills are featured as part of a 5-star summoning focus! Heroes with Rouse skills receive up to +6 to certain stats at the start of their turn if they don’t have any allies adjacent to them. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!
  • Resplendent Hero Reinhardt: Thunder’s Fist is now available to Feh Pass subscribers. In addition, the Feh Pass Quests have been updated. These quests are available until Apr. 9, 11:59 PM PT. For further info, please see the Feh Pass website.
  • A new map, Sister and Princess, is now available in Tactics Drills: Grandmaster! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills! (You must complete Book I, Chapter 13 of the main story to take on Grandmaster maps.)

Here are the latest events for Fire Emblem Heroes.

Check out the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:

In Fire Emblem Heroes, Heroes with Null skills are featured as part of a 5-star summoning focus! These Null skills neutralize effects that guarantee foe’s follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit’s follow-up attacks during combat. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

This event features the Heroes Mareeta: The Blade’s Pawn, Corrin: Dream Prince, and Lyon: Demon King, and will be available until March 25.

Additionally, the Legendary Hero Battle featuring Roy: Blazing Lion is now live until March 22.


Fire Emblem Heroes is currently hosting the latest Tempest Trials+ event: Familiar Stranger. Here are the reward details along with other current events:

A new Summoning Focus is currently live in Fire Emblem Heroes. The Willful Rabbits Summoning Focus will be active until April 17, and you can check out our initial coverage and a trailer here. Several other events are now live, check them out here:

  • A Grand Hero Battle featuring Corna: Aloof Lanceman is now live until March 22.
  • A new Paralogue Story is now available to go with the Willful Rabbits event, including new Story Maps.
  • New quests are also available for the Willful Rabbits event until April 17


Here are the latest events for Fire Emblem Heroes:

A new Summoning Focus in Fire Emblem Heroes is now live, along with some other events you can check out here:

  • Summoning Focus: Tempest Trials+ is available now. It features the Heroes Nah: Little Miss, Minerva: Red Dragoon, and Myrrh: Great Dragon. It will be available until March 29.
  • Round 1 of the latest Pawns of Loki event ends today, March 15.

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