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Fire Emblem Heroes

A new update has released for Fire Emblem Heroes (version 5.0.2), and its contents are the usual fare. The update appears to have fixed some issues that were reported but no specific issues are listed.

The official patch notes for this update are attached below.

Version 5.0.2 – December 14, 2020
Issues have been addressed.

Fire Emblem Heroes Book V

Fire Emblem Heroes added Book V this week, and to promote that, Nintendo has readied a few commercials. Find the full set below.

Check out the latest information for Fire Emblem heroes:

  • The next Resplendent Hero, Delthea: Free Spirit, is scheduled to become available Dec. 24, 11 PM PT. Check this link to see more of this upcoming Resplendent Hero!
  • Resplendent Hero Niles: Cruel to Be Kind is now available to Feh Pass subscribers. In addition, Feh Pass Quests have been updated. These quests are available until Dec. 24, 10:59 PM PT. For further info, please see the Feh Pass website.
  • Mjölnir’s Strike: Shield phase is now active. Weather the enemy’s onslaught for seven turns to claim victory. Score high to raise your Tier and earn rewards such as Divine Codes (Part 1), Midgard Gems, Dragonflowers, and Trait Fruit! The Counter phase starts soon!
  • A new map, Byleth’s Field Training, is now available in Tactics Drills: Grandmaster! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills! (You must complete Book I, Chapter 13 of the main story to take on Grandmaster maps.)

From Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, a new Grand Hero, Caellach: Tiger Eye, is waiting in Special Maps. Defeat this powerful general of the Grado Empire who clawed his way up from working as a mercenary to make him your ally. Caellach is the sort that will do everything it takes to achieve his goals. Will you be adding him to your roster?

Book V has arrived in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check out what’s happening below, along with how to get your hands on free orbs for summons:

  • Today’s server maintenance concluded at approximately 11 PM PT. In other news, there are special quests, a castle design, and a Log-In Bonus to celebrate the start of Book V! See the in-game notification for more information.
  • Forging Bonds: Driven by Vision is here! For up to seven days during the event, you can earn 2 Orbs the first time you clear a map (once per day). You can receive rewards such as accessories, First Summon Tickets, and Divine Codes (Ephemera 12)!
  • Mythic Hero Reginn: Bearing Hope from Book V, as well as three New Heroes from the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game, are here! There are also new story maps that start off Book V, along with limited-time quests, and a Log-In Bonus where you can get up to 13 Orbs.

Fire Emblem Heroes - Book V

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems just published a new Feh Channel Broadcast for Fire Emblem Heroes. Book V is the main highlight this time around.

Here’s a rundown of what players can expect:

Here are the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Heath: Wandering Knight is back in Special Maps for a Grand Hero Battle. There are also some limited-time quests to complete too, even if you’ve cleared it before!
  • Protect the Kingdom of Askr from Thórr’s advancing army in Mjölnir’s Strike! This time, the enemy army will be led by Jorge. It’s time for the Brace phase! Build structures and place allies on the map! For details, please see the in-game notification.
  • A new map, Sweets in Moderation, is now available in Tactics Drills: Grandmaster! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills! (You must complete Book I, Chapter 13 of the main story to take on Grandmaster maps.)

Heroes with the Infantry Pulse skill are featured as part of a 5★ summoning focus At the start of turn 1, a Hero with Infantry Pulse grants Special cooldown count-1 to all infantry allies on their team whose HP is less than theirs. This is useful for stacking up cooldown points for using major abilities and can turn the tide of battle. As always, your first summon on a new banner won’t cost any orbs, so be sure to log in to take advantage of a free unit.

Check out the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Voting Gauntlet: Swift-Shadow Series is live! Win battles to increase your army’s score and complete quests to earn in-game rewards such as Orbs, Divine Codes (Ephemera 11), Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones!
  • Bonus titles for the next Resonant Battles season starting Dec. 7, 11 PM PT, are Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and Fire Emblem Heroes. Use this time to prepare your best team!
  • In this week’s Coliseum, take on Resonant and Allegiance Battles to earn rewards including Divine Codes (Part 1), Dragonflowers (I), Earth Blessings, and Trait Fruit! See the in-game notification for more info.

Check out the latest content for Fire Emblem Heroes here:

  • Mythic Heroes Freyja: Lady of Nightmare and Triandra: Nightmare have descended into Special Maps, but that’s not all… A total of seven Mythic and Legendary Hero Battles are back too! Clear these maps to get Blessings, Orbs, and accessories!
  • A new map, Nightmarish Duo, is now available in Tactics Drills: Skill Studies! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills!
  • Freyja: Lady of Nightmare and Triandra: Nightmare from Fire Emblem Heroes appear as Mythic Heroes! In this Mythic Hero summoning event, 5★ focus Heroes will have an initial appearance rate of 8%! (Appearance rates for regular 5★ Heroes will be 0%.)

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