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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes updated this week with its brand new Book IV addition. Take a look at some footage of the latest content below.

Featuring characters from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, a new batch of heroes are available to summon for a limited time. Mythic Hero Peony: Sweet Dream is only available for a limited time. The next time this Hero will be available is a summoning event in late December. From this summoning event onward, New Hero Tanya: Dagdar’s Kid will appear as a 3★ and 4★ Hero.

Additionally, Forging Bonds: Path to the Future is here. Players can grow close to the event Heroes to get accessories, First Summon Tickets, and a conversation featuring Mareeta, Osian, and more. You can also earn 2 Orbs once per day for up to 7 days. Speaking of orbs — Along with the beginning of Book IV and a New Heroes summoning event, there are two Log-In Bonuses where you can get up to 33 Orbs in total, so make sure to keep logging in.

A new major update is now available for Fire Emblem Heroes. Version 4.0, which was announced in the latest Feh Channel video, can now be downloaded. Today, the first phase of the new event mode Mjölnir’s Strike has started. You have three days to edit your Shield Map by building defensive structures and choosing allies.

Also, since it’s Thursday, a new map has been added to Tactics Drills. “Out of the Woods” can be found in the Grandmaster section; clearing it gets you 300 feathers.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have readied two new videos for Fire Emblem Heroes. Along with a Book IV summoning trailer, we also have a Book IV movies. Both videos are included below.

Nintendo is back with the latest Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes. Watch the video below for the latest news about the mobile game.

Regal Strategician, Eirika: Restoration Lady, and Ephraim: Sacred Twin Lord are featured as part of a 5★ summoning focus. As always, the first summon will not cost any orbs.

Innes: Regal Strategician and Eirika: Restoration Lady can be found waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Innes & Eirika. Players can take on Hard Mode to Infernal modes to earn orbs.

A new set of quests has gone live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Until December 17, you can get extra rewards like orbs, feathers and stamina potions by using Heroes that have the Astra blessing conferred on them. You will need to defeat a variety of enemies, as well as clear the second, fifth and eighth stratum of the Training Tower repeatedly.

Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 6 is back up and running in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes in this week’s summoning focus revival. Keep in mind that 5-star focus Heroes have an initial appearance rate of 4%.

You’ll be able to partake in Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 6 until December 8.

Summoning Focus: Heroes with Link Skills has started in Fire Emblem Heroes. A trio of characters with Link skills can be obtained as part of the 5-star event.

As Nintendo notes, “If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by or targets a Hero with a Link skill, the Hero and target ally of Hero and targeting ally are granted up to +6 to certain stats for one turn.”

Fire Emblem Heroes will be hosting Summoning Focus: Heroes with Link Skills until December 9.

As of now, the Voting Gauntlet: Battle of Brawn event is live. Players can battles to increase their army’s score and complete quests to earn in-game rewards such as Orbs, Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones.
There will also new weapons and skills available to be refined soon, Nightly Lance (Mathilda: Legendary Knight), Arthur’s Axe (Arthur: Hapless Hero), Lordly Lance (Clive: Idealistic Knight), and Resolute Blade (Mia: Lady of Blades.)

Another piece of good news is that anyone that joined the Google Play Points program in the US can now exchange points for Orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes. Points earned in other games can be exchanged for Orbs as well. For more info, check out the Google Play Points program through the Google Play Store.

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