Examining what went wrong with Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Posted on 11 months ago by Ethan in Features, Switch | 0 comments
Whether you like Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or hate them, you can probably agree that something did indeed go wrong during their development. Though the games do have some merit as faithful Sinnoh remakes, many dedicated Pokemon players consider BDSP among the worst of the main series entries. Today, we’re taking a look at the state the games were launched in, the kind of content that was added to them via updates, and how the games hold up in 2024.
7 Star Meganium guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 11 months ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
The 7 Star Meganium Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now. It’s a little bit easier than some of the raid events we’ve seen recently, but it still poses a decent challenge on its own. The event runs until April 7, and then comes back from April 12 to April 14. If you don’t have any Pokemon ready for the first wave, you’ve got a few days to train up a counter. We’ve put together a couple of good suggestions for the event below.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, top
Articuno location guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 11 months ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
Today, we’re finishing up our coverage of returning Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet with an Articuno location guide. As a reminder, you can only catch returning Legendary Pokemon after clearing The Indigo Disk’s main story. If you don’t have the DLC, you won’t be able to catch any of them.
Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are the original trio of Legendary Pokemon introduced in the very first generation. As with most of their catchable appearances, none of these Pokemon are exclusive to either Pokemon Scarlet or Violet – you can catch all three Legendary birds regardless of the game you’re playing.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announce Tera Raid Battle event with Meganium
Posted on 11 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Meganium will be featured in the next Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet Tera Raid Battle, it’s been announced.
During the period, Meganium will appear in 7 Star Raids. The creature comes with the Psychic Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. As usual, it can be caught only once per save file.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Moltres location guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 11 months ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
Today, we’re nearly wrapping up our coverage of Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Indigo Disk DLC with a Moltres location guide. As a reminder, you can only catch returning Legendary Pokemon after you clear The Indigo Disk’s main story. They’re unavailable for capture in the base game.
Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are the original trio of Legendary Pokemon introduced in the very first generation. As with most of their catchable appearances, none of these Pokemon are exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet – you can catch all three Legendary birds regardless of the game you’re playing.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announce Tera Raid Battle event with Brute Bonnet / Iron Hands
Posted on 11 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet will host a new Tera Raid Battle event featuring Brute Bonnet and Iron Hands, it’s been announced.
Those with Pokemon Scarlet can battle Brute Bonnet. For Pokemon Violet players, Iron Hands will be appearing. Both will be popping up in 5 Star Raids.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
How to hunt Shiny Zygarde in Pokemon Sword and Shield
Posted on 11 months ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
Playing Pokemon Sword and Shield in 2024 might sound sort of strange, but there’s actually a really good reason for it. Pokemon Legends: Z-A was recently announced for release in 2025, and it’s almost certainly going to include Zygarde in some capacity. To “prepare” for the release of the new game, some Pokemon trainers are heading back to Sword and Shield to Shiny hunt Zygarde.
Outside of events, Pokemon Sword and Shield is the only game in which you can legitimately hunt for a Shiny Zygarde. More specifically, you can only go after one in the Crown Tundra’s DLC Max Lair. This is kind of a brutal Shiny hunt, but we’ve come prepared with tips and tricks on beating Dynamax Zygarde every time.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet start distribution for Liko’s Sprigatito
Posted on 11 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
If you’re interested in adding a Sprigatito to your team in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet based on Liko’s appearance in the anime, that’s now possible with a new distribution.
The Sprigatito here features IVs of 20. It comes in at level 5 with the moves Scratch and Leafage in case you’re curious.
You can take advantage of today’s distribution with the steps we’ve outlined below.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
How will Pokemon X and Y’s story tie into Pokemon Legends: Z-A?
Posted on 12 months ago by Ethan in Features, Switch | 0 comments
When you ask a Pokemon fan which set of games has the best story, they’ll probably say Black and White (or their sequels). You likely won’t get many fans telling you that Pokemon X and Y’s story is their favorite, and it’s easy to see why! It’s safe to say that a good chunk of X and Y’s development time was dedicated to the new 3D graphics — which meant a lower emphasis on story. That being said, X and Y does have some interesting lore that isn’t often discussed. With the recent announcement of Pokemon Legends: Z-A, we think lots of threads from X and Y are going to be fleshed out into something special. Today, we’re going over Pokemon X and Y’s lore and what kind of plot points you could expect to see in Pokemon Legends Z-A next year.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon Legends Z-A, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, top
7 Star Blastoise Tera Raid Battle guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
The 7 Star Blastoise Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is now live, and it’s thankfully a little bit easier than the 7 Star Venusaur earlier this week – assuming you have the right Pokemon, that is.
The new 7 Star Blastoise event lasts until March 12, and it’s got a decently threatening moveset. It uses Shell Smash when a quarter of its health has been taken out, which boosts its offenses and its Speed stat. It also uses Rain Dance halfway through the battle to boost the strength of its Hydro Pump. Blastoise itself is Tera Steel and can use Hydro Pump, Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, and Iron Defense whenever it wants. We’ve put together a couple of counters you can use to take it down easily.