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Hamster has announced that vertical shoot-’em-um Thunder Dragon 2 is the latest classic arcade title to arrive on the Switch eShop through its Arcade Archives label. Here are some details on the game, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum:

new rally x gameplay

Famitsu hosted another live stream this week for a look at the latest Arcade Archives titles on Switch, Pistol Daimyo no Bouken and New Rally-X. Both received extensive gameplay.

Here’s a bit of information about these two games:

Hamster has revealed that the latest title to arrive on the Switch eShop under its Arcade Archives label is the Namco classic Rally-X. Here are some more details on the game from the International Arcade Museum:

Hamster has announced that the latest classic arcade game headed to its Arcade Archives label on the Switch eShop is side-scrolling shooter Pistol Daimyou Bouken. Check out some details on the game and its release below the break, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum.

Arcade Archives Hopping Mappy gameplay

Famitsu has shared gameplay for Arcade Archives Hopping Mappy. The footage was shown during a live stream earlier this week and also featured Orius / Xexex, which hit Switch last month.

Here’s a brief overview of the game:

Hamster has unveiled the latest game set to arrive on the Switch eShop through its Arcade Archives label. Action game Hopping Mappy is this week’s release. Check out some more details on the game below the break, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum.

Arcade Archives Gunnail gameplay

Thanks to the latest Famitsu live stream, we have gameplay from Arcade Archives Gunnail. The same archive also has footage of last week’s release, Super Pac-Man, though we shared footage of that one a few days ago.

Hamster is continuing to bring classic arcade titles to Switch through its Arcade Archives series of ports this week by bringing the top-down shoot-’em-up Gunnail to the Switch eShop. Here are the details on this latest entry, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum:

Arcade Archives Super Pac-Man gameplay

Super Pac-Man arrived on Switch this week as the latest entry in the Arcade Archives series, and we now have some gameplay. 17 minutes of footage is available.

If you’re interested in learning more about Super Pac-Man, read the following overview:

Hamster has announced its weekly addition to the ever growing Arcade Archives label of retro games. Coming to the Switch eShop this week is Super Pac-Man. Here are some details on the game, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum:

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