Koji Igarashi “would love” to work on Metroid
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
Now that he’s left Konami, Koji Igarashi has the freedom to work on pretty much anything. Igarashi does already have a few new ideas in mind, but given his background with Castlevania, it could be neat to see him involved with a Metroid title. And interestingly enough, that’s something Igarashi “would love” to do.
IGN asked Igarashi point blank if he’d ever consider working with Nintendo on a new entry in the Metroid franchise. He said:
“Whether it’s possible or not comes down to the [intellectual property] holder, which in this case would be Nintendo, and whether they want to work with me. But, if they did want to work with me, I would love the chance of doing that.”