Nintendo of France’s Philippe Lavoué on sales, Labo, more to reveal at upcoming trade shows
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 10 Comments
French outlet Le Figaro published an interview with Philippe Lavoué, the General Manager of Nintendo France. They talked about sales figures and targets, Nintendo’s E3 showing and more. Here are some key points from the interview:
- for France, Nintendo’s goal is to reach 2 million Switch units sold by the end of 2018
- software sales are up by 20% compared to last year
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has nearly reached 100,000 copies sold in France alone
- they’re expectating only about 20% of their Nintendo Labo stock to be sold by September, while the remaining part should be sold during the Christmas period; says that market curves are different for toys than video games
- for E3, the plan was to only talk about games releasing in the coming months
- there are more opportunities for announcements at Japan Expo in July, gamescom in August and Tokyo Game Show in September
- for this holiday season, Nintendo’s big three games are Super Mario Party, Pokemon Let’s Pikachu & Eevee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate; the first two especially are expected to bring in a large casual audience
- Nintendo has pretty ambitious goals for Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but so far the public reception has exceeded their expectations
It’s pretty interesting that Lavoué specifically names Tokyo Game Show, an event that Nintendo has traditionally been skipping. Could they actually have a presence there this year, or was Lavoué only referring to third-party games?
More: Philippe Lavoué
Nintendo France on Switch sales expectations, games, 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch | 48 Comments
Gamekult has a new interview up with Nintendo France’s Philippe Lavoue. Among other things, Lavoue discussed sales expectations for Switch.
So far, Nintendo is seeing pre-orders similar to those of Wii in France. The company also expects to sell 800,000 units this year, which would be the lifetime sales of Wii U. That includes 95,000 units on day one with a near 100 percent conversion rate with Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Gray is currently more popular than the neon option at the moment. However, Lavoue thinks things will ultimately shift in the opposite direction.
More: interview, Philippe Lavoué, sales
More Nintendo sales numbers from France
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Philippe Lavoué from Nintendo of France provided another round of sales numbers in an interview with Le Figaro. Check out a summary of what was shared below.
– amiibo have been successful thus far
– All figures have been popular, but some are harder to find like Kirby and Wii Fit Trainer
– Smash Bros. 3DS sold 220,000 copies since launch; Special bundle with 3DS XL + game back in stores this week
– Still targeting 200,000 copies for Smash Bros. Wii U, though this could be higher with Christmas sales
– Smash Bros. Basic bundle confirmed for France
– Wii U sold 490,000 units (vs. 340,000 units in May)
– Nintendo expects 550,000 units for Wii U by the end of the year; Smash Bros. bundle should help
– Tomodachi Life sold over 400,000 units in France
– Tomodachi Life sold over 1 million copies in Europe as a whole
– There are only 10,000 units of the 2DS and Tomodachi Life bundle left in France
– Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire sold 400,000 copies in 3 weeks
– Nintendo expects 500,000 units/540,000 units for Pokemon sold in France by the end of the year
– Disney Magical World: all units for launch have been sold (50,000 units), and there’s already been new stocks sent to retailers
– New Super Mario Bros. 2 is hard to find in France and is selling about 14,000 units per week over the past few weeks
– Animal Crossing: New Leaf is selling about 15,000 units per week currently
More: France, Philippe Lavoué, sales
Some Nintendo sales numbers from France
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 5 Comments
Outlet “Challenges” posted a new interview with Nintendo’s Philippe Lavoué, who revealed some sales numbers from France. Lavoué provided data for Wii U, 3DS, and a few games.
Here’s the full roundup:
– Wii U: over 450 000 units sold (300,000 in late December, roughly +50% year-over-year in the past few months)
– Wii U sales should be at 550,000 units by the end of the year.
– Games: currently, sales are three times higher thanks to Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2 (and Smash).
– Mario Kart 8: 200,000 units sold + 70,000 additional units from bundles
– Pokémon OR/AS: 191,000 units sold, +51% compared to X/Y during the same period.
– 3DS sales: 3.15 million; +70% thanks to Pokémon.
– Bayonetta 2: ~60 000 units sold.
– Super Smash Bros. (Wii U): they’re expecting 200,000 units by the end of the year.
– amiibo: they’re expecting 200,000 units sold by the end of the year.
More: France, Philippe Lavoué, sales
Nintendo of France shares various sales figures, other bits
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Nintendo deputy general manager Philippe Lavoué has revealed a variety of hardware and software sales for France as part of an interview with publication Challenges. He additionally commented on more general topics such as smartphones, the competition, and teased “unannounced surprises” for Wii U.
Here’s a summary of what was shared:
– 3DS: 1 million+ (64% plus year over year) YTD (over the expectations)”
– 2DS: 180k
– Pokemon X and Y: 584k YTD
– Wii U sold 178k in 2013 in France
– 3D World: 98k YTD
– 12.5 million active Wii players in France in 2013, hopes to convert them
– Market study: 10 million French gamers potentially interested in Mario Kart 8
– No to smartphones, focus on quality and differentiation
– Japanese million seller Puzzle and Dragons proves that traditional gaming and smartphone games can coexist
– Concerning Xbox One and PS4: it’s not all about specs
– Estimates that over 50% of sold Wii U games are by third-party
– Games turned the 3DS around, MK8, SSBU, DKCTF and unannounced surprises will help the Wii U in 2014
More: France, Philippe Lavoué, sales
Updated Wii U and 3DS sales figures in France
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 Comments
Nintendo of France deputy general manager Philippe Lavoué shared updated Wii U and 3DS sales figures for the country while speaking with JDLi.
According to Lavoué, Wii U’s life-to-date hardware sales stand at 175,000 in France as of the middle of November.
As for 3DS, the system’s life-to-date sales come in at 2,150,000 units. The 2DS accounts for 30 percent of the 3DS’ total sales. 3DS possesses a market share of 50 percent of all systems at the moment.
It’s also worth mentioning that 3DS software sales rose from 850,000 to 1,700,000 year-over-year during the same timeframe.
Additionally, Pokemon X and Pokemon Y collectively sold 220,000 copies in its first three weeks of availability.
We also have the following (Google translated) comments from Lavoué: