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Pokemon Scarlet

Dipplin, Archaludon, Raging Bolt, Iron Crown

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have revealed a new set of Pokemon for their upcoming DLC, with Dipplinm, Archaludon, Raging Bolt, and Iron Crown joining the fray.

Dipplin is the evolution of Applin that will appear in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 1: The Teal Mask. Meanwhile, Archaludon is the evolution of Duraludon found in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 2: The Indigo Disk. Read more about both below.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Tera Raid

Original (8/7): Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are set to receive a new Mewtwo Tera Raid Battle event, according to a Thai Japanese Nintendo newsletter. Details are likely to follow during tomorrow’s Pokemon Presents.

Pokemon Paldean Winds

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are getting a new online animated series dubbed Pokemon: Paldean Winds, it’s been announced.

The series “brings the Paldea region to life in an all-new way.” Viewers will see academy students Ohara, Aliquis, and Hohma “on their journey of growth and learning while attending school.”

Pokemon: Paldean Winds will debut on the official Pokemon YouTube channel starting September 6, 2023. We’ll be sure to share the episodes as they are released.

August 2023 Pokemon Presents live stream

The next Pokemon Presents event is almost here, and we have the official live stream for the August 2023 presentation. Note that thus far it’s only currently available in Japanese, but we’ll swap in the English version if it’s available before the broadcast begins (update: now added below).

Remember that the event, which begins at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET / 2 PM in the UK / 3 PM in Europe, will be about 35 minutes long. Expect to hear about the upcoming Pokemon Scarlet / Violet DLC among other things – a Mewtwo Tera Raid Battle event should be detailed tomorrow as well.

Here’s where you can watch the event:

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet continue to roll out distributions, and now players can get their hands on a Shiny Grimmsnarl for a limited time. This was used by Chaiyawat Traiwichcha, who used that creature to win the Thailand National Championships last year.

Grimmsnarl comes with the moves Thunder Wave, Spirit Break, Reflect and Light Screen. It will also be the ability Prankster and has the Light Clay item. Additionally, it will be at level 50.

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet just started up another distribution, and players now have a chance to claim some sandwich ingredients.

The games are giving out bananas, butter, peanut butter, and red Poke Ball picks. You’ll get five of each by redeeming the latest Mystery Gift code. Remember that sandwiches can restore a Pokemon’s HP and have the ability to offer some other effects.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Dark Tera Type Charizard distribution

It’s time for another Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet distribution, and the Switch games are now offering a Dark Tera Type Charizard. This ties in with the Charizard Friede uses in Pokemon Horizons: The Series.

This specific Charizard comes with the moves Crunch, Flare Blitz, Acrobatics, and Belly Drum. It also comes with the highest IVs in Attack and Speed. Its other stats feature 20 IVs.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Rillaboom Tera Raid Battle

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet just revealed their latest Tera Raid Battle event that will be all about Rillaboom. Fans will recognize the Grass-type creature having started out in Sword and Shield as the final evolution for Grookey.

For the upcoming event, Rillaboom will carry the Normal Tera Type in seven star raids. Additionally, it will have the Mightiest Mark and can be caught once per save file.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Fighting Tera Types distribution

Another distribution just went live in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and this time around, Fighting Tera Shards are up for grabs. Players can quickly claim 50 of them.

Tera Shards are notable if you’re looking to change the Tera Type of a Pokemon. In this particular case, a bunch of these are available in the distribution and they can be applied to have a creature move over to the Fighting Tera Type.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Delphox Tera Raid Battle

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are back with a new Tera Raid Battle event, with Delphox getting the spotlight. This creature, which is the final evolution for Fennekin, originally appeared in Pokemon Y and Y.

Delphox will be of the Fairy Tera Type in seven star raids. Similar to past events, it will have the Mightiest Mark and can be caught once per save file.

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