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Pokemon Scarlet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet update 1.3.1

With a new update having been made available for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, the Switch games are now at version 1.3.1.

The update comes with a variety of bug fixes and changes. Specifically, an issue has been addressed with the invite-only online competitions that were used by Japan and South Korea to determine entry to their National Championships two weeks ago, ahead of the repeat tournament this weekend. The problem prevented players from seeing their rating and exiting out of the competition between battles.

Pokemon Home Scarlet Violet compatibility

Original (5/18): It’s been announced that Pokemon Home will be updated to version 3.0.0 next week, which will add compatibility for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. The patch goes live on May 23, 2023.

Once players link their game to Pokemon Home, they’ll be able to move creatures over and bring select Pokemon from other games to the Paldea region. The Tera Type of Pokemon transferred to Scarlet and Violet from other titles will be determined by their original type or types.

For a limited time, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet players can partake in a Gold Bottle Cap distribution.

Gold Bottle Caps are notable since they can maximize all six of a Pokemon’s IV stats. They are pretty rare and can normally only be obtained by making a purchase from the Auction House or buy earning it through the Academy Ace Tournament.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Tera Raid Great Tusk Iron Treads

Details have been revealed about the latest Tera Raid Battle for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, which will feature Great Tusk and Iron Treads.

Great Tusk can be battled by Pokemon Scarlet players. If you have Pokemon Violet, you’ll encounter Iron Treads. Both will be appearing in five-star Raids. Note that there’ll be various Tera Types rather than just one.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Chesnaught Tera Raid

The next Tera Raid Battle has been revealed for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and Chesnaught will be featured this time around. This creature is the final form of Chespin and was first a part of Pokemon X and Y.

Chesnaught comes with the Rock Tera Type and can be found in 7 Star Raids. Like previous events, it will have the Mightiest Mark and can be caught once per save file.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ice Inteleon Tera Raid Battle

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have just announced their latest Tera Raid Battle event that puts the focus on Inteleon.

Inteleon, who will be of the Ice Tera Type, will be appearing in 7 Star Raids. It will also have the Mightiest Mark. As usual, players can catch it once per save file.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet survey

Japanese magazine Famitsu recently held a player survey to get feedback on Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet for a variety of questions.

257 of the respondents were men, 256 were women, and 34 are listed as other. 16 were for the 12 or younger crowd, 124 were in their teens, 64 were in their 20s, 185 were in their 30s, 40 were in their 40s, 16 were 50s and older, and 22 didn’t say. Note that responses weren’t required for every question.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet distribution TM116 and TM132

Two more distributions have just started up in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, with codes for TM116 and TM132 now available. These are for Stealth Rock and Baton Pass respectively.

Stealth Rock is lays a trap of stones around the foe, so when an opponent switches in a Pokemon, it’ll take damage. As for Baton Pass, it switches out the user and passes all temporary stat stage increases and decreases.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet update 1.3.0

A new update has just been released for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, with version 1.3.0 now being distributed.

One of the major issues dealt with here addresses players who caught an Egg instead of Walking Wake or Iron Leaves in a Tera Raid Battle from awhile back. This impacted those who hadn’t updated to version 1.2.0. The Tera Raid Battle events for Walking Wake and Iron Leaves is also returning shortly.

On top of that, a bunch of different bug fixes have been implemented.

The full patch notes for the Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet version 1.3.0 update are as follows:

New Pokemon Terapagos

Original (4/14): An unknown Pokemon just made its debut during the newest anime for the series that has some fans wondering if it has something to do with Terapagos.

The first episode of Pokemon Horizons just aired in Japan. Ash’s journey has drawn to a close, and the show is now featuring dual protagonists Liko, whose partner is Sprigatito, along with Roy. However, the talk of the town is the Pokemon featured above.

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