Snipperclips confirmed for North American Switch launch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 4 Comments
Over the past few hours, Nintendo has confirmed that Snipperclips will launch with Switch on March 3. Now the same news has been shared for North America.
Nintendo just tweeted out the news:
The charming #eShop exclusive Snipperclips – Cut it out, together! will launch with Nintendo Switch on 3/3 for $19.99!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) February 24, 2017
Snipperclips is now the third game confirmed for Switch’s eShop launch in North America, joining Shovel Knight and FAST RMX.
More: Snipperclips
Snipperclips costs £17.99 in the UK; Joy-Con bundle seemingly available March 10th
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 9 Comments
We’ve got some additional info regarding the release of Snipperclips in Europe. First of all, we got an image of the Joy-Con bundle, which you can see above. Nintendo UK also sent out a PR e-mail about the game, confirming that it’ll be available from the eShop on March 3rd for £17.99. That e-mail also mentions that the Snipperclips Joy-Con bundle won’t be available at launch, but rather one week later, on March 10th. However, that contradicts what is said on the Nintendo UK website, which states that the bundle will be available on March 3rd, as will be the case in the rest of Europe.
Hopefully Nintendo will clear up that confusion soon, but either way, a one week wait for the bundle is not a huge deal.
Source: Nintendo PR
More: Snipperclips, UK
Snipperclips is a launch title in Europe – €19.99, demo on day one, bundle with Joy-Con available too
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 16 Comments
Looks like Snipperclips is a launch title not only in Japan, but in Europe as well. GoNintendo got this info from a Dutch PR mail sent out by Nintendo of Europe.
Snipperclips will cost €19.99 and will feature three modes – : WORLD (1-2 players, co-op), PARTY (2-4 players, co-op) and BONUSGAME (2-4 players, competitive). If you want to try out the game first, you’re in luck – there will be a free demo available on March 3rd as well.
Beyond that, Snipperclips will also be sold in a special limited edition bundle that includes a pair of colored Joy-Con as well as a download code for the game.
Source: Nintendo PR
More: Europe, Snipperclips, top
Snipperclips releasing March 3rd in Japan, website open, videos
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Switch | 8 Comments
Snipperclips will be releasing March 3rd, alongside the Switch system, in Japan. The game’s official website is also open here. The game will cost 1,667 yen. There is currently no word for other regions.
The website shows that the game can be played by a single player, even using just one Joy-Con. This requires pressing a button to switch control between the two characters. The website also includes numerous videos, showing how to turn the characters into various shapes. A few are below, but there are so many that the rest are after the break:
More: Snipperclips
Nintendo Minute – Snipperclips new puzzles
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Switch eShop, Videos | 4 Comments
This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta play through some old and new puzzles in Snipperclips. Check out the full episode below.
More: Nintendo Minute, Snipperclips
Snipperclips trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Snipperclips was announced for Switch last week, but Nintendo didn’t actually share a trailer for the game. Nintendo of Australia has fixed that with the video below.
More: Snipperclips
Snipperclips – Nintendo UK video
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 3 Comments
Nintendo UK published a new video of Snipperclips on its YouTube channel today. We’ve gone ahead and posted it below.
More: Snipperclips
SFB Games is working with Nintendo on Snipperclips
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 2 Comments
Snipperclips isn’t actually an internally-developed Nintendo project. Originally, it started out as “Friendshapes” from SFB Games where it first popped up at EGX 2015. Nintendo must have seen something interesting in it originally to pick up the game fully for publishing. SFB Games is still involved, and is working with Nintendo in collaboration.