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Splatoon 2

North America and Japan both had their latest Splatfests earlier this month. This weekend, it was Europe’s turn.

Splatoon 2’s latest European Splatfest carried a food theme. Players were asked if the eat the yummiest part of their meal right away, or save the best ’til last? In other words: impatient eater vs. flavor savourer?


Nintendo has announced that the next Splatoon 2 update is arriving next month. Version 4.3.0 will be out on December 5 in Japan, which probably means during the evening of December 4 in North America.

The patch will include gear abilities and new weapons. Nintendo is also teasing the release of Toni Kensa Collection Part 4.


Splatoon 2 has a new European Splatfest being hosted this weekend. Nintendo is asking players if they prefer eating the best part of a meal right away or saving it for last.

As usual, special art has been prepared for the Splatfest. Have a look at the new illustration above.



The latest Splatfest has drawn to a close. This weekend, Nintendo held a food-themed event in North America. Players could either be on Team Salsa or Team Guacamole.

Now that the event has concluded, Nintendo has provided the results. Here’s a look at how things panned out:


The next European Splatfest has been announced for Splatoon 2. This time, the question is: do you eat the best part of a meal right away or save it for last? The Splatfest will start next week on Saturday, the 24th, at 2PM GMT. As per usual, it will last 24 hours.



The latest North American Splatfest goes live in Splatoon 2 this weekend, featuring Team Salsa and Team Guacamole. As usual, Nintendo has prepared some special art for the event. We have it above.

The new Splatfest goes live on November 16 at 8 PM PT / 11 PM PT. It’ll last for a full day.



New footage has emerged showing off some of the gear available when using the Octoling amiibo. Check out the gameplay below.

This weekend, Nintendo held the latest Japanese Splatfest in Splatoon 2. It was entirely Pocky themed, and once again, players were given two options. They could either go with standard Pocky or Pocky Gokuboso (ultra thin).

After a day full of battles, the event has concluded. Nintendo has now posted the results for players.


Nintendo today announced the sixteenth North American Splatfest for Splatoon 2. Next weekend, players can choose to be on either Team Salsa or Team Guacamole.

The Splatfest will kick off on November 16 at 8 PM PT / 11 PM ET. As usual, it’ll last for a full 24 hours.



This weekend, Splatoon 2 is hosting a new Japanese Splatfest featuring Pocky. Per usual, Nintendo has created some special art for the event. We have the promo image above.



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