Video: Splatoon’s co-director does a versus speed run, answers some questions
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 4 Comments
Arekkz Gaming recently caught up with Splatoon co-director Tsubasa Sakaguchi. Sakaguchi went head-to-head in a speed run, and also answered some questions about the game. Watch the full video below.
More: Splatoon, Tsubasa Sakaguchi
Splatoon co-director on the content updates, gyro controls, development, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
Nintendo Life has published a new interview with Tsubasa Sakaguchi, one of the directors behind Splatoon. Sakaguchi touched on various topics such as the content updates, the game’s gyro controls, development, and more. You can watch the interview in full below.
More: interview, Splatoon, Tsubasa Sakaguchi
Splatoon devs on the map rotation, content updates, and more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 18 Comments
In this month’s issue of Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, there’s an interview with some of the Splatoon developers. That includes directors Yusuke Amano and Tsubasa Sakaguchi as well as producer Hisashi Nogami.
Nintendo Dream starts off by asking how matchmaking works. Amano mentions that rather than focusing on levels, the game pairs players with similar playstyles in Turf War. Levels are more of “an indicator for how long the person has played the game.”
Since Splatoon matches users together based on how they play, Amano notes that those who tend to splat enemies are likely to play together. Likewise, those who concentrate on painting rather than splatting are more likely to get paired up.
More: Hisashi Nogami, interview, Splatoon, top, Tsubasa Sakaguchi, Yusuke Amano
Splatoon devs on how Miyamoto wasn’t satisfied with the game’s original ideas
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 17 Comments
EDGE brought us a whole bunch of information about Splatoon in its latest issue. One topic covered by the magazine was the game’s development, and Shigeru Miyamoto’s thoughts on its early days.
Co-director Tsubasa Sakaguchi, producer Hisashi Nogami, and director Yusuke Amano spoke with EDGE about how Miyamoto wasn’t originally pleased with what the team had come up with Splatoon. Here’s what the three developers shared:
[After] the prototype phase, we had all these ideas about the height, the ink, the characters, and the image of the character and the squid. But we couldn’t kind of filter it down to a final result that would result in a simple, fun game. And during this period, we were being scolded by Mr Miyamoto all the time.
He was saying, ‘I don’t understand. What do you want to do? There’s no appeal to this game.’
We had the basics and then we were like, ‘Let’s add the hiding [in ink] feature; let’s add jumping; we need height, because it’s a 3D map.’ And then we thought, ‘We need to be able to shoot up and down.’ And we realised we’d added all this stuff, and we got confused. We didn’t know what the game was about.
Splatoon launches for Wii U on May 29.
Splatoon devs on the project’s origins, why squids were chosen
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 6 Comments
Famitsu published its full interview with the developers behind Splatoon on its website today. Producer Hisashi Nogami, director Yusuke Amano, and co-director Tsubasa Sakaguchi participated in the discussion.
Siliconera translated some excerpts from the interview. You can find a summary of what was shared below.
“Many staff members that have worked on Wii U launch titles are working on this game, so now that we have a grasp of the Wii U’s functions, it started out with discussions about wanting to make something new with what we already know. There were many plans, but the one that stayed until the end was Splatoon.”
– Nogami says that it was just around the time Sakaguchi finished working on Nintendo Land, and Amano with New Super Mario Bros. 2, that Splatoon’s plans began
– Wasn’t always about squid characters
– Originally had tofu-like square characters
– Eventually chose to make it a competitive 4-on-4 game that required spraying the environment with ink
More: Hisashi Nogami, interview, Splatoon, top, Tsubasa Sakaguchi, Yusuke Amano
Voice chat undecided for Splatoon
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 11 Comments
It turns out that voice chat hasn’t been officially confirmed for Splatoon after all. Producer/manager Hisashi Nogami and project lead Tsubasa Sakaguchi, speaking with GameRant said that the functionality hasn’t been decided just yet.
“The core concept of Splatoon is that by looking at the way the ink is being spread around and progressing, you know, you can kind of see what your enemies are doing, what your teammates are doing, and then you’re able to decide what you want to do. And that’s kind of the main thing we’re always thinking about, and we kind of get similar questions about the number of people that can be in a multiplayer match, but for this game it’s really that four-on-four is the best number. With four-on-four, the amount of influence that a single player has is perfectly balanced, but also the speed at which the battle changes, the way the battle is developing changes is also completely perfect.”
“The idea being that the core concept is basically that players look at the way the ink is being spread around, the way it’s being painted around, and decide what to do. If in any way that doesn’t disrupt that balance we’ve created, we’ll definitely consider different ways of communication and introduce that to the game as we go forward with development.”
Nogami concluded his comments by stating: “Basically, I haven’t decided.”
More: Hisashi Nogami, interview, Splatoon, Tsubasa Sakaguchi
Splatoon devs talk more about the game’s origins and new IPs at Nintendo, original characters were the only fit
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Game Informer caught up with Splatoon producer Hisashi Nogami and co-director Tsubasa Sakaguchi at E3 2014. The two were asked about several topics, including what it’s like to get new IP started at Nintendo, and they also discussed why original characters were the only fit as opposed to established ones.
As usual, we’ve picked out some excerpts from the interview below. You can find the full interview on Game Informer.