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Scooby Doo characters aren’t really in Scribblenauts Unlimited. Neither are Mortal Kombat or Batman characters. But by using the game’s object creator, you can bring them all to the Wii U (and PC) version.

Screenshots of the object creator-made Warner Bros. characters can be found above.


Before putting your brand new Wii U to the test on November 18, you’ll need to download an update. Without it, you won’t be able to access some of the console’s most important features. Once applied, the update will add Miiverse, Wii U Chat, Nintendo TVii, and the eShop to your console.


So it seems that the Wii U boxart may be slightly different in Europe compared to North America. There’s much more blue on the boxart – mainly the spine and back.


Famitsu has another update on Monster Hunter 4 this week. The magazine published new information about certain ailments that can affect players.

Below are details on the crazed dragon virus and gore magala.

Crazed Dragon Virus
– This virus infects you if attacked by an already infected Tigrex.
– Gauge appears below the player’s name. This gauge increases when attacked by Tigrex and with the passage of time.
– Crazed dragon illness outbreaks when the gauge completely fills. Natural recovery gauge (presuming this is stamina?) also disappears.
– Can remove this harmful effect by repeatedly attacking Tigrex before the gauge fills.
– Weapon’s critical hit ratio greatly increases if you manage to remove the virus.

Gore Magala
– If its moth powder sticks to you it makes it easier for Gore Magala to detect you. This powder also has a harmful effect to body/movement ability.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Assassin’s Creed III (PS3/360) – 10/10/9/9
Halo 4 (360) – 9/9/9/9
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation (PSV) – 9/9/9/9
SummonNight 4 (PSP) – 8/8/7/8
Dream Club Complete Edipyon! (PS3) – 8/8/7/8
Aikatsu! Cinderella Lesson (3DS) – 7/8/7/6

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