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The latest Nintendo Power review scores are as follows:

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy – 8.0
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (3DS) – 7.0
Brave: The Video Game (Wii) – 5.0
Heroes of Ruin – 7.0
Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure – 8.0

NiGHTS will be well-represented in Sonic’s new racer. Confirmed today at Summer of Sonic 2012, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed features a level and vehicle from the NiGHTS franchise.

A few shots of the NiGHTS content can be found above. They’re admittedly very low quality – we’ll try to find better images for you.

Nintendo says that these posters feature “special printing effects” – whatever that means!

No Wii U insight, but there are many Wii and 3DS games playable at the show. The 3DS XL is there as well. I think I even see a GameCube station in one of those photos…


Japanese Club Nintendo members can enter a raffle for a chance to win new Kirby rewards. A cushion, a pin set, a plush pouch, and a set of circular playing cards are among the prizes.

Basically, it works like this: register Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Kirby’s Return to Dream Land, and Kirby’s Dream Collection. You’ll automatically enter the raffle as soon as this is done. That’s it!

Source 1, Source 2

European publisher Ghostlight has a new 3DS game localization to announce. The company teased the unknown title on its blog today.

The only hint given is that it isn’t an RPG. Also, the game in question will be released this year.

Ghostlight wrote:

“In other news, we’re making excellent progress on Devil Survivor 2 (DS) and Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS). They really are both excellent games so watch out for more news on these two over the next few weeks. I’ll also be announcing that Ghostlight has secured another Japanese 3DS game for release this year and before you start guessing, no, it’s not a JRPG this time!”

Hmm… I wonder if this could be Code of Princess. We know that it’s been picked up for Europe, but its publisher hasn’t been announced. Some may see Code of Princess as an RPG, but I’d say that it’s more of a beat-em-up.


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