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Before the Rayman Legends trailer leaked ou, NeoGAF member “IdeaMan” made a claim yesterday that the project is coming to Wii U. We now know that’s true. This user also said that Ubisoft Montpellier has been making the title.

In reality those comments wouldn’t be too difficult to predict. After the Rayman Legends rumors initially surfaced, it seemed likely that if it was an existing game, it would be released on Wii U. And given Ubisoft Montpellier’s involvement with Rayman Origins, it would make sense for the studio to be working on the followup. Nonetheless, this does give some credibility to one additional Wii U rumor that surfaced earlier today.

That rumor is the following – If “IdeaMan” is to be believed, the Wii U tablet design shown in the Rayman Legends trailer “is not the final and definitive controller. The one used in this trailer isn’t the ‘updated’ model.'” Make of that what you will.

I’m always very careful with Wii U rumors we post on Nintendo Everything. There’s simply too unverified speculation circulating, and the rumors are usually either blatantly fake or come from extremely dubious sources. In this case, though, I believe the content above has a pretty decent chance of being the real deal.

Thanks to Olivegeek for the tip.


Square Enix will offer new Theatrhythm Final Fantasy songs through downloadable content next week.

As usual, four songs will be available. Final Fantasy XII’s Shokanjusen (battle stage) and Royal Capital Rabanastre (field stage), Final Fantasy II’s Battle 2 (battle stage), and Final Fantasy III’s Crystal no Aru Doukutsu (field stage) are the new selections.

Each piece of music launches on May 2 for 150 yen each. You can find samples for all of the songs above.


Some people are already freaking out about the wire attached to the Wii U controller in the leaked Rayman Legends trailer. There’s no need to worry, though!

As we mentioned earlier, the video was most likely created using a Wii U dev kit. A story on The Verge backs this up. The site says that “the tablet has a cable coming out of the bottom of it because it is a dev kit, which currently is only available wired.” According to The Verge, Nintendo will provide studios with new kits in June which feature wireless controllers.


Take-Two hasn’t announced any games for Wii U yet. However, one of the company’s subsidiaries, 2K Sports, appears to be working on something for the console.

2K Sports software engineer Blaine Myers has listed “Nintendo Wii U” on his LinkedIn profile as one of the platforms he’s developed for. Perhaps the studio is making the next MLB/NBA 2K game for the system?

Thanks to Maaiquy for the tip.

So… wow. That Rayman Legends trailer is a monster leak from Ubisoft. Now that things have settled down, let’s mull over that trailer for some details!

– “Epic” rendering engine
– New playable characters
– Online gameplay
– Social gaming
– When played on the Wii U tablet, there is touch functionality
– Uses a combination of tablets and Wii remotes
– Probably not a Wii U exclusive, but it does have Wii U exclusive content
– Will support NFC functionality
– Rabbid shown, Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) teased with this functionality
– Trailer shows a wired controller, but this is most likely a Wii U dev kit

You can also find some trailer screengrabs above.

Source 1, Source 2

Well, this sure is something interesting to wake up to!

Rayman Legends is real, and it’s coming to Wii U. The first trailer has leaked out – you can find it above.

We’ll have more information for you shortly.

Thanks to Captain N for the tip!


Fire Emblem: Awakening is the first Nintendo-made title to incorporate downloadable content. The second game could be Animal Crossing 3DS.

Speaking at Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing, president Satoru Iwata said that “the next Animal Crossing might be a game which relies upon add-on content sales.”

You can find even more quotes from Iwata here. Between our summary post from the event and indivual quotes scattered on the front page, I believe we’ve covered all significant information. I’d prefer not to overload you guys with superfluous quotes and posts that we’ve covered in summary format, so visit that link for some extra words from Nintendo’s president.

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