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“I think the third-party publishers are taking this a lot more seriously. Certainly, the video game market has changed a lot over the last year. You know, a lot of the casual games that really bombarded the DS marketplace have now moved onto other platforms like the iPhone, so I think everyone looks at this as an opportunity to kind of bring something special back to the gamers. Everyone looked at the 3DS with just how powerful it was, and the new features, the analog stick and the 3D, as an opportunity to bring almost console-level quality games to this handheld because they could. On the DS, you really couldn’t. And that’s something that we’ve learned over the last six months. You can’t treat this machine as just a DS plus. You almost have to treat it like a console, because many of the things it can do are things that consoles can do. So, you know, why not bring a more ‘gamer’ experience to that platform, if it can do really well with it?” – JC Connors, studio head at Griptonite Games

The 3DS is a very interesting device. It’s the first piece of hardware to truly introduce portable 3D gaming, and it’s also one of the closest things we’ve seen to a handheld console due to the slide pad and enhanced graphics. Also, Iwata recently mentioned that development costs could approach Wii levels.


Nintendo Wii

North America:
1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo)
3. Just Dance (Ubisoft)
4. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Warner Bros.)
5. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)

1. Wii Party (Nintendo)
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo)
3. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
4. Xenoblade (Nintendo)
5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)

1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo),
2. Dance on Broadway (Ubisoft)
3. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Warner Bros.)
4. Just Dance (Ubisoft)
5. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)

Nintendo DS

North America:
1. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
2. Toy Story 3 (Disney)
3. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Warner Bros.)
4. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
5. 100 Classic Books (Nintendo)

1. Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 3rd Story (Konami)
2. Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!! Spark (Level 5)
3. Love Plus+ (Konami)
4. Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!! Bomber (Level 5)
5. Digimon Story: Lost Evolution (Namco Bandai)

1. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Warner Bros.)
2. Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box (Nintendo)
3. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Nintendo)
4. Pokemon SoulSilver Version (Nintendo)
5. Club Penguin: Herbert’s Revenge (Disney)


Over the past few days, we have been experiencing some issues with our contact form as a result of a new WordPress upgrade. Unfortunately, the problem only recently came to my attention. We changed the contact form two days ago, though if you attempted to send an email our way, you may need to resend it. Please note that we did receive all emails that were sent directly to our address. Just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the situation!

DSi LL – 32,661
PSP – 24,685
Wii – 21,964
PS3 – 20,077
DSi – 18,271
Xbox 360 – 7,303
DS Lite – 5,339
PS2 – 1,594
PSP go – 1,024

For comparison’s sake, here are the numbers from last week.

DSi LL – 41,676
PSP – 23,257
PS3 – 19,578
Wii – 19,115
Xbox 360 – 17,370
DSi – 17,306
DS Lite – 5,209

PS2 – 1,530
PSP go – 845

NBA Jam boxart

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

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