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Cosmos X2 details (DSiWare)

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

– 2D space shooter
– Choose two weapons, switch between them at any time
– Energy meter for the weapons, when it runs out, it can’t be used
– If both weapons run out of energy, the game ends
– Kill enemies to regain energy

Wii Party trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

“With the quality of the device they’ve got it’s possible they can expand their audience into an older, broader audience. It was interesting to see games like Saint’s Row on the device. If we could bring, let’s say, a House of the Dead or an Aliens title, if the audience for 3DS is much broader it could give us much more scope in that market, and that’s as exciting as well as Mario & Sonic and Monkey Ball games. The 3DS is Nintendo through and through, this is Nintendo’s brilliance. They’re almost in their own technological world, doing their own thing. Whilst 3D TV is quite an amazing technology advancement, and many companies will get into that, Nintendo will now create this huge business with their own unique piece of technology that very few if any, will be able to copy. That’s Nintendo over and over again, it’s fantastic. For us as a third-party it’s a great leg up in terms of the portable business.” – SEGA West’s president Mike Hayes

House of the Dead on the 3DS…That could be a ton of fun. And an Aliens game? It’s been awhile since we’ve seen a high-quality entry in the series…I’d be interested in it!


“As you saw from Nintendo’s press conference yesterday, there is new hardware coming out. We knew that was coming. We had to make decisions understanding that there were hardware changes in the near future and where want to put our resources…No decision has been made. Rather than creating [Final Fantasy] V or VI for the current DS we want to take a look to see how 3DS does, how it evolves, and then make a decision.” – Shinji Hashimoto

You may remember that, a few weeks ago, Hashimoto said that there would be “technical issues” in porting Final Fantasy V and VI for the DS. But with the added power and capabilities of the 3DS, that shouldn’t be a problem. It’s just a matter of what Square Enix is interested in doing it!


This information comes from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 producer Ryota Niitsuma…

“Well, we can’t get into any specifics, but all I can is that the game we made right now, as it is, it’s for Xbox 360 and PS3. We want to see how it does and maybe see where we’ll take it from there.”

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom did pretty well on Wii, which shows that there is interest for fighters on the system. And since the Tatsunoko side had some obscure characters that aren’t familiar to most North American consumers, I think there’s a good chance that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 would see more impressive sales.

Source 1, Source 2

Thanks to jcr for the tip!

Nintendo has been trying to capture the casual audience with the DS, though now the company is essentially attempting to do the opposite with their next handheld. Satoru Iwata, in an interview with Nikkei, hinted that the DS primarily attracts consumers who don’t play games often. However, Iwata is hoping that the 3DS’ graphical capabilities and gameplay will appeal more to the core demographic.

Iwata also explained that third-party support is of huge importance for Nintendo. The 3DS was created with requests from external developers in mind and Nintendo is looking to work with third-parties in order to “expand into elaborate games targeting serious gamers.”

Lastly, Iwata briefly mentioned 3D gaming for the Wii’s successor again, noting that “a full-scale entry into this field will take some time because 3D televisions will not catch on right away.”


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