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“I realized that whether it’s story or movies, it’s not about whether we need them or don’t need them. What’s most important is that the game resonates. You notice things like how a certain enemy wasn’t scary, but the next time a similar one appears, its color is a little different and it spits out two rocks instead of one, so you think it must be tougher. You reason things out for yourself and put them to the test. This kind of interaction is interesting.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

“Unless you’re careful, there’s a tendency for games like Mario that can be played by children to gradually become childish. Those making the game tend to unconsciously make them that way. Taking how Mario’s line can be scripted as an example, they even propose to write, ‘Where’d my mommy go?’ When someone in their fifties like me hears their player-character speak childishly like that, it doesn’t quite sit right. After all, Mario wasn’t a game only for children in the first place. As I make a game, I try to keep in mind that guys in their fifties will play it, too.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

The above quotes come from the Super Mario Galaxy 2 Iwata Asks interview, which we covered on the site previous when it was posted in Japanese. However, you can still check out the full interview in English right here.

Thanks to Robert for the tip!

Here’s a little more insight into the development of Sin and Punishment: Star Successor. It’s also live on the Nintendo Channel, so feel free to boot up your Wii and watch it on your television if you’d like!

Thanks to Robert and our Nintendo rep for the tip!

This information comes from Shin’en’s Jett Rocket “making of” blog…

“The Wii is quite fast in combining many textures in realtime. We use that ability to create our shaders (or materials) from many ‘layers’ on top of each other like in a graphics application. As some layers only have low frequency information we use much lower resolution textures to save some space here. How those layers are combined can be adjusted in many ways, even in real-time to some degree. Some textures for the layers are also created in real-time. We use that feature of our engine quite a lot to achieve special effects like reflections, refractions and various lighting effects.”

Shin’en is really unbelievable at getting the most out of hardware. They’ve done a tremendous job with the GBA, DS, and now WiiWare. I wish more developers could follow in their footsteps!

Source 1

Spirit Hunters Inc. details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

– Use DSi cameras to find ghosts
– Game scans the area through the cameras, makes a map similar to a sphere
– Ghosts will be hidden on the map, pan camera left/right to find enemies
– Numerous enemies in each location
– Engage with one enemy at a time
– You are in the shoes of a ghost hunter, working for the Spirit Hunters Inc., need to take down ghosts
– Enemies won’t always attack right away (depends on level/aggressiveness), might need to provoke it with the stylus
– Fire/water/ice/shadow/light/fungus weapon elements
– Weapons have strengths/weaknesses depending on the ghost
– Fire: Flaming fist/fireballs directed with stylus
– Water used to trap/slow down ghosts
– Ice burst: Tap on a ghost to slow it down
– Cooldown time for each attack
– Lighter attacks recharge quickly, opposite for heavier attacks
– Can choose to capture or kill a ghost
– More XP, but less money earned if you capture it, opposite if you kill it
– Use money at the game menu
– Use cash and XP to gain new abilities/weapons in the skill tree
– Some ghosts/abilities exclusive to each version
– Releasing late Q3


NGamer review scores

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment


Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 98%
Rooms: The Main Building – 60%
All-Star Karate – 22%
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands – 74%
Rugby League 3 – 50%
Samurai Warriors 3 – 50%
The Ultimate Red Ball Challenge – BBC’s Total Wipeout – 20%
Madagascar Kartz – 40%
The Destiny of Zorro – 15%
Sushi Go Round – 23%
Monster Hunter Tri – online mode – 5/5
Ivy the Kiwi? – 79%
Rajirunogia – 60%


Zhu Zhu Pets – 25%
Squishy Tank – 78%
Hudson X GReeeeN Live!? DeeeeS!? – 68%
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia – 73%
Again – 50%
Korg DS-10 Plus – 78%
Beat City – 53%


Diner Dash – 2/5
Zombie Panic in Wonderland – 3/5
Rage of the Gladiator – 4/5
Bloons – 1/5

Thanks to bubba for the tip!


Sounds to me like this will end up hitting the 3DS at some point. I’m pretty sure that’s the only portable system Nintendo has in the pipeline!

PRESS RELEASE: Nnooo announce the development of Spirit Hunters Inc: Shadow™ and Spirit Hunters Inc: Light™ for Nintendo DSiWare™ and future Nintendo portable devices.
Spirit Hunters Inc: Shadow and Spirit Hunters Inc: Light are augmented reality games in which the player works for Spirit Hunters Inc, a mysterious company which specialises in the detection, capture and trade of ghostly spirits.

“Spirit Hunters Inc. is essentially a Role Playing Game set in the real world.”, said Nic Watt, Creative Director, Nnooo. “Players use the camera built into their devices to hunt out and battle spirits anywhere in the world. Whether it at the supermarket, shopping mall, home or even on holiday. Spirits are hiding all around us!”

GORMLEY, Ontario, Canada – May 21, 2010 – Digital Leisure Inc. a leading developer and publisher of interactive video-based titles and console games, announced today the upcoming launch of Mix Superstar, designed exclusively for Nintendo’s WiiWare™ game service.

Think you can be the next big music star? Well now you’ve got all the tools right at your fingertips with Mix Superstar. Create, mix and record your own royalty-free musical masterpieces right on your Wii™. There are over 1,000 Dance, Hip Hop and Techno loops included across multiple instruments like Drum, Bass, Synth, Guitar and even voice tracks.

Thanks to Robert for the tip!

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