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Enclave screenshots (Xbox)

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

Just to get a taste of what the game will be like on Wii…

Thanks to Daniel A for the news tip!

The Last Story details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

– Art is of Hoshimi no Tou (Star Viewing Tower”)
– People look at stars from the tower, point to their guardian star, speak
– One meeting involves two characters, they speak about their dreams: “In this place that’s sacred to the Arganan Family, their hearts touch for just a moment.”
– Girl whistles a song (she can’t remember the words), melody is about people torn apart, handed down in her family
– Girl and the other character lost their parents when they were young, survived in spite of the wars/power struggles
– Both have difficult memories which turn into kindness over time
– Producer: “Everyone has a place that is special to them. For ‘her,’ this Hoshi no Tou appears to be an extremely important place.”


New art of The Last Story

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 3 Comments

This information comes from Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino, who posted this message on his Twitter account…

“It looks like we’ll soon be able to announce a variety of enjoyable things.”

We haven’t heard much about Ni-no the past few months, but the title is greatly anticipated in Japan. I, too, am quite interested and am looking forward to hearing more about it. Based on what we’ve seen so far, Ni no Kuni could be a special game!


Now that the latest Media Create hardware sales data has been reported, the complete totals for March (3/1 – 3/28) have been calculated.

PSP – 188,399
PS3 – 155,917
Wii – 133,290
DSi LL – 89,168
DSi – 58,430
DS Lite – 17,184

Xbox 360 – 10,853
PS2 – 7,160
PSP go – 5,831

PS3 – 50,448
PSP – 46,449
Wii – 36,849
DSi LL – 23,188
DSi – 17,376
DS Lite – 4,995

Xbox 360 – 3,002
PSP go – 1,874
PS2 1,785

For comparison’s sake, here are the numbers from last week.

PS3 – 50,164
PSP – 38,017
Wii – 31,101
DSi LL – 20,765
DSi – 14,256
DS Lite – 3,953

Xbox 360 – 2,419
PS2 – 1,711
PSP go – 1,491

SouthPeak Games Now Shipping the Addictive Eat-’em-up for WiiTM and Nintendo DSTM

MIDLOTHIAN, VA – April 1, 2010 – SouthPeak Games today announced they are serving up Miniclip Sushi Go Round on Wii™ and Nintendo DS™ to stores across North, Central and South America.

Based on the incredibly popular Miniclip online game – which has been played more than 60 million times worldwide – Sushi Go Round expands on the original with a completely redesigned look and feel, new recipes and settings and even bosses to put you to the test. But it isn’t going to be easy; you’ll need to multitask! It’s up to you to remember a book-full of recipes, order supplies when your stock gets low, clear away dirty dishes and, most importantly, keep your customers happy by making some terrifically tasty sushi.

Yeah…This is one of the stranger promo videos I’ve seen from Nintendo in awhile.

“Nintendo’s overall performance has fallen short of our expectations, with software down over 30% and Wii hardware units down almost 50%. The company may have faced supply constraints for its hardware, but staple titles like Wii Fit with Balance Board and Wii Play were also well below historical levels. We are hopeful that the supply situation for hardware and for these key titles will correct in March; if not, we think that weak sales may suggest waning consumer support. We expect continued momentum for the PS3 due in part to its list of exclusives in early 2010 (Heavy Rain, God of War III, MLB the Show 10, et al) and Blu-ray compatibility. We are less sanguine about a March or April catalyst for the Wii, as there are no exciting first party exclusives until May (Super Mario Galaxy 2). Over the last several years, the Wii has benefited from being the cheapest console, but a consistently declining tie ratio causes us some pause. We believe that the PS3, with multiple high-profile exclusives and the newly-announced Move Controller, and the Xbox 360, with Project Natal, may begin to cut into Nintendo’s market share later this year, and think that it is possible that the three consoles divide the market more evenly at holiday. The DS continues to sell at an amazing pace, and we expect solid sales in March with the end-of-month introduction of the DSi XL. We also expect solid software contribution in March from the release of the Pokémon games, which we project will sell 5 million units combined world wide. We found the company’s announcement of the 3DS somewhat ill-timed, coming the week before the launch of the DSi XL. In our view, the company’s announcement warned consumers that the DSi XL would be obsolete within a year, and we were surprised at the timing.” – Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter

I’ve got to admit, Nintendo’s first-party lineup for the first few months of 2010 is bland. However, it’s possible that the company is allowing third-party titles like Red Steel 2 and Monster Hunter Tri to shine. And then we’ve got three fantastic titles – Super Mario Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, and Metroid: Other M – all within about a month of each other. Regarding Sony and Microsoft, we’ll have to wait and see if they are able to capture the same type of success Nintendo has with their motion control devices.


And Yet It Moves trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

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