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NAIRI: Tower of Shirin

NAIRI: Tower of Shirin has finally been dated for Switch. Over on the Japanese eShop, a listing has just been added which reveals a November 29 release date.

Here’s an overview for the game, along with a trailer:

NBA 2K Playgrounds 2

NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 is out now on Switch. Get a look at close to an hour of footage in the video below.


Back during the summer, Grunka Munka Games announced Collidalot for Switch. The studio today confirmed that it’ll be releasing digitally via the eShop next month.

Here’s an overview along with a new trailer:

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 44,070
PS4 Pro – 15,442
PS4 – 10,030
New 2DS LL – 4,665
Vita – 2,506
New 3DS LL – 1,976
2DS – 305
Xbox One X – 157
Xbox One – 76

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Switch – 42,957
PS4 – 15,322
New 2DS LL – 5,218
PS4 Pro – 5,084
Vita – 2,675
New 3DS LL – 1,978
2DS – 310
Xbox One X – 52
Xbox One – 23

And here are the software charts:

Nintendo has posted another update to the Smash Bros. Blog for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time around, we have an introduction to the Green Greens stage.

Here’s the overview:

World Snooker

Ripstone Games, in partnership with Lab42 and World Snooker, has announced that it’s working on Snooker 19. The game will be coming to Switch in 2019.

We have the following details from Ripstone:

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

The latest issue of V-Jump provides first details on a brand new feature coming to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. The game will be adding “My Raid Mode,” according to the magazine.

Here are a few tidbits:

Bandai Namco will publish Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, according to the latest issue of V-Jump. Dimps is developing the project.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission will include over 1,160 cards from Cardass arcade games Super Dragon Ball Heroes 1 to 8 plus Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission 1 and 2. There will also be about 350 characters.

Fire Emblem Heroes’ has kicked off a summoning event. Players can participate in New Power, which can grant three Heroes who have gained new skills as five-star units. The weapon skill Solitary Blade is available plus new weapons to refine, Vidofnir and Nidhogg.

Summoning Focus: New Power will be running until October 29.

Atlus uploaded the latest character trailer for Persona Q2 today. Find a trailer focusing on Persona 4’s Teddie below.

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