Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot (8/19/13)
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 3 Comments
Game Night (8/18/13)
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Game Night | 0 comments
Update 3: Added in the live-stream below. Austin provided some lovely commentary!
Update 2: Game Night is now over!
Update: If you plan on playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on Wii U, please send a friend request to “NE_austin”. If you plan on playing Mario Kart 7, please join the NintendoEverything MK7 community! Community code is 22-5271-0357-0675
Game Night will begin at 4 PM ET / 1 PM PT. Most of the friend code exchanging will take place around a half hour prior (10 minutes).
Two items are attached to this page. First, above, is our official Twitch account. Any Wii U games played during Game Night will be streamed, and will eventually be posted to our official YouTube channel.
Below is what we’ll use to communicate with each other. You don’t need to sign up with any sort of service to join, and you don’t have to be playing to chat with us. Just enter any name you desire and we’ll be good to go.
As mentioned last night, Call of Duty: Black Ops II will be the game of choice on Wii U, which Austin will be handling. I’ll mainly be in charge of Mario Kart 7 sessions.
We’ll see how well this goes. I imagine things will improve over the next few weeks!
What is Game Night? You can find details right here.
Itoi, Iwata, Miyamoto discuss EarthBound 64’s cancellation in 2000 interview – now translated
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
EarthBound 64 never saw the light of day in light of a tumultuous and lengthy development cycle. The project was ultimately canned in 2000 – and on the same day, Nintendo published an interview with Shigesato Itoi, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Satoru Iwata covering the cancellation.
You can find the full thing here. It’s a long read, but certainly worth checking out.
We did want to highlight one bit from Iwata that is making the rounds. He actually put a good amount of the blame on himself, stating:
That one was clearly my fault. A long time ago I once said, “Never say a programmer CAN’T do something.” Those words sort of take on a life of their own—dropping the word “can’t” can close the doors of possibility. Generally speaking, everything will work out eventually if you put in the effort and push onwards, but everything still operates within certain limitations. So if something is honestly impossible to do, you need to accept that. Oftentimes the case is that something is possible, but sacrifices will need to be made. Or that something is possible, but it cannot exist alongside some other thing. So that’s what I meant when I said “Don’t say you CAN’T be a programmer,” but “don’t say you CAN’T” is the only part that took off.
There was a time when the early designs for MOTHER 3 were really reckless. We were working with specifications that surpassed the system capabilities and memory capacity. We starting working on the game with the premise that we’d create something that’s never been done before.
More clues and teases for upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins reveal
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
The official Batman: Arkham Twitter account has posted more clues and teases for Origins’ upcoming reveal.
Here’s the latest:
3 days left until the next #ArkhamOrigins reveal. We’re pretty stoked to show you what it is. Here’s a bigger clue.
— Batman Arkham (@BatmanArkham) August 18, 2013
Alright, we'll tell you who this reveal does NOT pertain to… We're NOT revealing any feline related characters. #meow
— Batman Arkham (@BatmanArkham) August 18, 2013
We're also not revealing "Shark Repellant Bat Spray." Sorry, @SlyWillyQ.
— Batman Arkham (@BatmanArkham) August 18, 2013
Two more clues have been provided by the GCPD & have only been authorized on our Instagram. Review each detail here:
— Batman Arkham (@BatmanArkham) August 18, 2013
The GCPD has provided this crime scene image alluding to our reveal. #ArkhamOrigins
— Batman Arkham (@BatmanArkham) August 18, 2013
Teases for the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins just began recently. It’s been said that the reveal will be “epic”.
GamesTM #138 review scores
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
This month’s GamesTM review scores are as follows:
Dota 2 – 9
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC – 8
Shadowrun Returns – 8
Tales of Xillia – 7
Deadpool – 5
Rogue Legacy – 8
Project X Zone – 6
Plants Vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time – 6
Dynasty Warriors 8 – 7
Deus Ex: The Fall – 7
One Finger Death Punch – 9
Capsized – 6
Mighty Switch Force! 2 – 6
Gun Monkeys – 7
Thanks to joclo for the tip.
Nicalis bringing Grinsia to the 3DS
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Grinsia, an RPG from Kemoco, is coming to the 3DS. Nicalis revealed the news in the latest issue of Nintendo Force.
Some gamers may be aware that Grinsia was originally released on iOS and Android. It sounds like the 3DS version will have some form of new musical arrangement. How the game plays on the 3DS is currently unknown.
European Etrian Odyssey IV demo only has 3 uses, NISA says Nintendo decided on limit
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
So here’s something strange. In North America, Etrian Odyssey IV’s demo can be accessed thirty times. The same demo just recently came out in Europe. Oddly, users can only boot it up three times.
What’s the deal here? According to European publisher NIS America, it’s “Nintendo rules”.
The company wrote to one fan on Twitter:
@citrusred Nintendo rules, leaves you wanting more
— NISAinEurope (@NISAinEurope) August 16, 2013
Zelda: Wind Waker HD supports Pro Controller, file size revealed
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 1 Comment
The Wii U GamePad isn’t the only controller supported in Zelda: Wind Waker HD. If players like, they can opt to use the Pro Controller.
We also have a bit of news regarding Wind Waker HD’s download size. The digital eShop release will take up roughly 2.6GB of space. You’ll also need at least 31MB for save data, and like the original, three save slots are offered.
Last but not least, Linear PCM 5.1ch surround sound and 1080p functionality are supported in Zelda: Wind Waker HD.