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Just a short while ago, Nintendo published its 2013 annual report. It’s mostly filled with a lot of pretty pictures (find them above, because they’re neat) and sales data, but it also features a message from president Satoru Iwata.

Iwata reiterated Nintendo’s “basic strategy” relating to “the expansion of the gaming population, which is to encourage as many people in the world as possible, regardless of age, gender or gaming experience, to embrace and enjoy playing video games.”

Later in his message, Iwata commented on Nintendo’s financial situation. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2014, he hopes that the company will be able to once again achieve “Nintendo-like” profits. Nintendo intends to continue creating “brand-new and unique proposals, and make efforts for the growth of the home entertainment industry with a mission that is to pleasantly surprise people and put smiles on the faces of everyone Nintendo touches.”

You can find Iwata’s full note below.

Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with an eighth post. You can find it here. Today’s update covers Wonder-Green.

XSEED is teasing a new game reveal. The company posted a message on Twitter, which doesn’t give a whole lot away, but a discovery may narrow down the possible titles.

First, let’s take a look at the Twitter tease:

Now here’s the important bit: XSEED acquired the domain “” late last month. This is the high school where the entire franchise is based.

So assuming we’re dealing with Senran Kagura here, a big question arises: which game will XSEED be bringing over? It’ll likely be either Senran Kagura Burst or Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus – a title for the PS Vita.

Source 1, Source 2

Yet another round of Shin Megami Tensei IV DLC has gone live. Two more pieces of content can be purchased.

Here’s the overview:

Snake Scale Equipment – $1.49

3 Delivery Challenge Quests, each with an armor piece of the add-on exclusive Deity Scales set as reward.

Note: Can be accepted early in the game.

Clipped Wings 2 – $2.49

An add-on exclusive Challenge Quest to defeat the Archangels Gabriel and Michael. Completing this quest lets you fuse Herald Gabriel and Herald Michael.

Note: This quest relates to the main story.

Recommended progress: Endgame

A new 3DS system update is now available to users. After applying the download, you’ll receive firmware version 6.2.0-12. It’s highlighted by the addition of StreetPass relay functionality – a feature that is intended to spread the usage of StreetPass connections among 3DS users.

Here’s the full firmware overview, courtesy of Nintendo:

Young Justice: Legacy is coming out in September – that is, on non-Nintendo platforms (and PC).

We heard about a delay for the Wii U, Wii, and 3DS versions back in June. Now the news had been made official, and with a new tentative release window.

It did initially seem like a launch would be coming in 2014, but as it turns out, it’s only a two month delay. The official Young Justice: Legacy Facebook page notes:

The Nintendo versions will have the same story from Brandon and Greg and will be using the same art, but will have their own combat style to take advantage of their unique controls. We’ll be showing off some screenshots soon.

However development is running a little behind, so the official release date has been pushed back to November this year. We sincerely apologize for the delay. We appreciate how patient fans of the show have been.

Source, Via

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