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If you pre-order Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D from UK retailer GAME, you’ll receive a special bag and keyring.

EB Games Australia is also handing out a pre-order bonus. Reserve the 3DS game and the retailer will provide you with a Donkey Kong tie. A pretty nice bonus if you ask me!


Amazon has taken 33% off the original price of Injustice: Gods Among Us.

The fighter launched at $59.99 in mid-April. It’s now available for just $40.22. By purchasing the game now, you’ll save $20.

You can find more information on the official product page here.

The Wii U and 3DS eShops technically aren’t connected, but it is possible to look up 3DS titles through the Wii U store. Perhaps in an effort to promote this functionality, the Wii U eShop now has a section showing off 3DS games.

You can look up a variety of 3DS products and information straight through the Wii U eShop. It’s just a shame this feature isn’t extended further.


01./01. [3DS] Friend Collection: New Life # (Nintendo) {2013.04.18} (¥4.800) – 144.903 / 549.761 (-64%)
02./00. [PS3] Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (Capcom) {2013.04.25} (¥4.990) – 125.363 / NEW
03./04. [3DS] Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon
(Nintendo) {2013.03.20} (¥4.800) – 38.884 / 596.155 (-6%)
04./00. [PS3] Tomb Raider (Square Enix) {2013.04.25} (¥7.980) – 35.250 / NEW
05./00. [PS3] Steins;Gate: Senkei Kousoku no Phonogram #
(5pb.) {2013.04.25} (¥7.140) – 34.292 / NEW
06./05. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf # (Nintendo) {2012.11.08} (¥4.800) – 31.711 / 3.128.270 (-8%)
07./00. [PSV] PhotoKano Kiss (Kadokawa Games) {2013.04.25} (¥7.140) – 30.172 / NEW
08./00. [PSP] Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon Portable # (Kadokawa Games) {2013.04.25} (¥6.279) – 26.030 / NEW
09./02. [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 3 (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.04.18} (¥7.480) – 17.836 / 105.496 (-80%)
10./00. [PS3] Bioshock Infinite (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2013.04.25} (¥7.700) – 15.747 / NEW
11./03. [PSP] 7th Dragon 2020-II (Sega) {2013.04.18} (¥6.279) – 15.180 / 88.877 (-79%)
12./00. [PS3] Mugen Souls Z #
(Compile Heart) {2013.04.25} (¥7.329) – 13.121 / NEW
13./00. [360] Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (Capcom) {2013.04.25} (¥4.990) – 9.483 / NEW
14./00. [3DS] Detective Conan: Marionette Symphony (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.04.25} (¥5.480) – 9.265 / NEW
15./00. [PSV] Meikyuu Cross Blood: Infinity (CyberFront) {2013.04.25} (¥6.090) – 9.006 / NEW
16./00. [360] Steins;Gate: Senkei Kousoku no Phonogram # (5pb.) {2013.04.25} (¥7.140) – 8.821 / NEW
17./00. [360] Bioshock Infinite (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2013.04.25} (¥7.700) – 7.838 / NEW
18./00. [PS3] The Legend of Heroes: Sora no Kiseki SC Kai HD Edition (Nihon Falcom) {2013.04.25} (¥4.830) – 6.847 / NEW
19./20. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Super Deluxe Edition # (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.11.29} (¥5.040) – 6.197 / 459.453 (+57%)
20./11. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 #
(Nintendo) {2012.07.28} (¥4.800) – 6.098 / 2.008.494 (+4%)

Zelda: Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword possess very different art styles. Whereas Twilight Princess is rather dark and brown to fit the atmosphere, you could say that Skyward Sword is much more colorful.

One passionate fan has come up with an intriguing mix of the two games. GBAtemp member “disbala” is working on a Twilight Princess texture pack (requires Dolphin) that incorporates the style of Skyward Sword.

While not complete, you can already see how noticeably different Twilight Princess looks with Skyward Sword’s style. You can find a few example shots above.

Thanks to Yono for the tip.


The Pokemon brand is strong. Very strong. So much so that consumers are still snatching up the older Pokemon games in fairly large quantities.

Over the span of a year, Pokemon Black/White, HeartGold/SoulSilver, and Diamond/Pearl racked up nearly 1 million copies.

Here’s a quick overview:

ReleasedTitleMarch 2012March 2013Increase
2007Pokémon Diamond/Pearl17.61 million17.63 million+20,000
2010Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver12.40 million12.67 million+270,000
2011Pokémon Black/White14.71 million15.42 million+710,000

Not bad, right? Something tells me that Pokemon X/Y will also sell for many, many years following its release later this year.


Well, we’ve known since last month’s Nintendo Direct that EarthBound is heading to the overseas Wii U eShops as a Virtual Console download. Now a rating for the game has popped up on the OFLC. While I’m not too sure that a release is necessarily imminent, maybe we’ll be seeing it sooner rather than later.

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