Here’s a Podcast – Episode 38!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 0 comments
I completely forgot what I was supposed to use for this week’s image, so here’s a funny picture of Reggie and Miyamoto and someone else as The Matrix.
And finally we see a glimpse of what the Book Club is meant to be via a long discussion of Super Mario RPG at the end of this week’s episode! You can also expect to hear news, what we played, listener mail, and a top ten list of your guys’ favorite announcements from Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct.
This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Laura, and Jack
Some of you may notice that our feed (iTunes/Feedburner/etc) is missing all of the episodes before episode 34 or so. That’s because our hosting service is a real piece of crap! So I’ll be switching to a more expensive (but hopefully more stable!) service in the coming days. Stay tuned– and thanks for listening. :]
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[Video Feature] Eggbusters – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time REDUX
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast Stories, Videos, Wii, Wii Shop Channel | 0 comments
edit: Wow that is the perfect thumbnail.
I decided to revisist Ocarina of Time this week because there were some cool glitches, and also people keep telling me to do more Zelda games. So here’s another one! Enjoy, faithful NintendoEverything readers.
Artwork courtesy of Andrew Nixon. :]
Reminder: Book Club discussions in the forums, podcast discussions on the… podcast?
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Site updates | 0 comments
Are you sad because it appears as though the Wii outsold the Wii U for yet another month in a row? Well, here’s something to cheer you up: Anyone participating in the ‘NintendoEverything Book Club (for Video Games!)‘ can take part in discussions about Super Mario RPG in our forums right this second. We’re on week 2 of this whole shin-dig (catch up if you need to!), and people are just now getting where they need to be, so the discussions are finally “heating up” as they say in all those cool sports that people watch. Or in Pokémon Stadium.
You can also send your thoughts on this section– which encompasses such magical locations as the Kero Sewers and Mole Village– to [email protected]. If you say things that are nice and interesting/important, we’ll read them and discuss them on the podcast!
Send us an email here.
Click here for some crazy footage of Nintendo’s E3 2001 Press Conference!
NintendoEverything Reader Poll #12 – Which announcement from the April 17th Nintendo Direct did you enjoy the most?
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features | 0 comments
I’m not sure which I’m going to pick yet (so many options!), but the new Yoshi’s Island is certainly a contender…
This is a two question survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could be read on the show! So don’t say anything ridiculous.
Thanks very much. As stated above the question for you guys this week is “Which announcement from the April 17th Nintendo Direct did you enjoy the most?”
NintendoEverything Book Club (for Video Games!) – Week 2 Details
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Features, Site updates | 0 comments
Alright, so we made it through week one. Not bad, everyone! Hopefully folks are still enjoying things and finding a lot to discuss in the forums, and if you’ve made it through section 2 of the play-through you can head there right now to talk about it. If you missed out on the first week but you still want to participate, you’re looking at a total of about 4 hours of game-time this week to catch up!
Deadline for email submissions this week: April 19th
Since last week we obtained the first Star (out of seven!) in the game, this week we’ll do our best to get Stars #2 and #3! You should stop as soon as you get to a save point after Star #3. I’m guessing this will take about 2 hours or so. Maybe a little more, so get crackin’!
Also, please do not send us emails discussing portions of the game beyond where the book club is. We want to avoid spoilers and we don’t want to feel unable to answer your questions/respond to your comments, so if you’ve gotten ahead of everyone (which is fine!) do your best to only talk about the parts that we’ve all agreed upon. :]
Hit the break for info on how to participate in a discussion, plus other ‘Frequently Asked Questions’!
[Video Feature] Eggbusters – Banjo-Kazooie
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Videos | 0 comments
Remember ‘Two People Playing Games’? Well, my co-host from those days is back to help me get through yet another episode of Eggbusters! Tackling Banjo Kazooie is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, and I’d have to say it went rather well. Enjoy!
Artwork courtesy of Andrew Nixon. :]
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 37!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Features, Podcast | 0 comments
Did you hear they’re remaking Super Mario RPG for DS?
The first ever book club discussion definitely has some kinks to be worked out… but part of that is recording a podcast at midnight! Aside from that minor hiccup, all is well this week, from lengthy monologues about Fire Emblem’s storytelling to some truncated user questions to get through just like every week.
This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Laura, and Jack
Download this episode (right click and save)
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[Afternoon Opinion] The problem with “always-online”, and why everyone is missing the point
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, General Gaming, General Nintendo, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
it’s on your guys’ mind either which way.
Author: Austin
NintendoEverything is, quite obviously, a Nintendo-centric website. We deal in the happenings over at the Big N– occasionally branching out and discussing things that are going on industry-wide– but by and large we are happy to keep concerned only with the things that our favorite developer and publisher does. It’s more than enough to keep someone busy for months on end after all, and usually the topics that are being discussed on a grander scale (downloadable content, violence in video games, etc) don’t affect “us” too much, because Nintendo is usually “behind the times” when it comes to keeping up with trends.
Ah, but today, something has come up that I think is worth discussing despite that fact: This idea of “always-online”. This concept that my console, game, or PC must be connected to the internet at all times in order to play the games I want to play, or use the services I want to use. There are two arguments being made:
1) “Always-online is the future. It’s an advancement in technology that we have to get with in order for the gaming industry to move forward.”
2) “But what if I don’t have a stable internet connection? It’s ridiculous that I wouldn’t be able to play games because of technical hiccups.”
Personally, I think both of these arguments are a load of things-that-are-bad-arguments.
The NEBC forum thread is now open!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Features, Site updates | 0 comments
Okay, time for a bit more of an informal post than I’d usually put together:
I just opened up the week one discussion thread of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for those who are planning on participating in this week’s NintendoEverything Book Club (for Video Games!) discussion. It can be found by clicking right here.
You do have to make an account with NintendoEverything in order to partake in this half of the discussion, but I’d make the case that it’s worth the effort! It means you can comment on news stories every day as well instead of having opinions that you keep bundled up inside yourself, AND you can take part in our (hopefully) intelligent discussions of video games every week with the NEBC!
You have until the podcast’s recording (usually Friday or Saturday) if you want to send in your thoughts on the game to [email protected], but you can take as long as you’d like if you only plan to follow along and discuss in the forum. The deadline is merely so we have time to screen all of the submissions before sitting down to record on podcast day. This week all of us will be getting from the beginning of the game to the place where we obtain the first “star piece”. You’ll know what that means when you get a ways into the game, but I’m guessing we’re looking at a small 2-hour time commitment this time around.
If you need more info on what exactly the NEBC is or how to participate (as well as other information you may want), please click here.
NintendoEverything’s Book Club (for Video Games!) – Game #1
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Features | 0 comments
Well, there you have it: The first ever NEBC game is Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. In order to participate in the discussion, you should pick up the game within the next few days. Your options to obtain the game are as follows:
Wii Virtual Console Copy ($8 on the Wii Shop Channel)
Deadline for email submissions this week: April 12th
Well, this is the first week of the NEBC ever, so we’re going to take it very slow: Simply obtain the first star piece in the game, and stop there. We’ll all know more about what that means when we start the game I hope!
Since we can’t easily divide by chapters (like you could with a book) we’re better off aiming low and finishing quickly rather than having to scramble and accidentally leaving folks behind. Once we have a better handle on how the game is paced, we’ll adjust our weekly goals.
Also, please do not send us emails discussing portions of the game beyond where the book club is. We want to avoid spoilers and we don’t want to feel unable to answer your questions/respond to your comments, so if you’ve gotten ahead of everyone (which is fine!) do your best to only talk about the parts that we’ve all agreed upon. :]
Hit the break for info on how to participate in a discussion, plus other ‘Frequently Asked Questions’!