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While at PAX East this past weekend, I had the opportunity to check out the 3DS and a few of the games Nintendo brought to the event. Below are my impressions of three games I got the chance to check out while in Boston. Be warned – the booths only allowed for ten minute demo sessions so the sections are going to be a bit small.

Blam! Like I said, ToS takes a trip to the Mall of America for the Pokemon Black/White Mall Tour, I talk about the 3DS launch, and I get my Pokemon stolen all in the same week. Plus, it’s Friday!

CEO and Co-Founder of discusses the used game market, downloadable add-ons, and how pricing of secondhand titles is getting out of hand.

The used game market is slowly and slowly getting more and more out of hand. If you plan on selling a game to retail giant GameStop, for instance, chances are that you’ll get less than a fourth of full price for it. This is fairly ridiculous considering that GameStop sees no problem in taking what they paid five dollars for and reselling it to those same gamers who support them for three, four, or even five times that. Some may say that you can’t blame companies like GameStop for this, because it indeed takes two to tango, but the fact of the matter remains that many gamers just don’t have much a choice when it comes to selling their used games.

That, however, is about to change because of a company called GameStaq. Joseph Gindi is the CEO and co-founder of the company which offers gamers an alternative to places like GameStop, and it allows you to get upwards of 70 or 80% of retail price, as opposed to the usual 30 to 40%. I had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Gindi, and I asked him a variety of questions on his company, his outlook, and the industry as a whole. Check it out after the break…

Here we are at the end of the road. The last Nintendo system in my collection is the Wii. This time around, I bought many of the major titles released on the system. Metroid: Other M, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and the Super Mario Galaxy games are among the list of titles that I’ve added to my purchased.

I obtained a Wii in 2008, which was, as most of you know, a few years after the system had launched. At the time I only owned a few games. A lot of them were terrible, admittedly. But the highlights were Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Brawl, like Melee, was a massive time sink for me. I used to hold small tournaments and parties focusing on the game. Despite the fact that I greatly enjoyed the title, I personally believe that it still doesn’t compare to Melee, my favorite of the series.

I hope you guys like playing your games on handhelds, because this month is full of games to play on the go. As well as a string of promising Nintendo DS games, March sees the release of the new Nintendo 3DS console, a portable powerhouse with more launch games than I have time to write about. So hopefully you weren’t looking forward to reading about those any time soon.

Watch out for next week when ToS visits the Pokemon Black/White mall tour!

It’s almost good. I swear, I’m close to how I want it. Just a few audio mixing issues this week.

Game Info:

System: Nintendo Wii
Genre: Sports/Party
Players: 1-4
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Nintendo

He has appeared in over two hundred video games to date, has taken on professions
from doctor to professional boxing referee, and his combined sales total from all
his games is over 210 million units. He is, of course, the one and only Mario, and it
seems as though his talents never end. From defeating over-sized apes in the original
Donkey Kong to taking the gold trophy in intense cart races, he is a master of
everything that comes his way.

My story of how I got the GameCube is one of sadness. To begin, I was inside my local Toys R Us (back when they were cool) and was looking around the video game section. Anyone remember how they had you pay for the games in a separate section from the rest of the store? In any case, while I was there, I played a demo station of Soul Calibur 2. It was at that moment I wanted a GameCube.

I quickly returned home to formulate a plan to obtain the system, and, more importantly, Soul Calibur 2. I wanted the GameCube version for two reasons: 1: Most of my friends had that version. 2: Link was an exclusive character. So, sue me! It was also a good excuse to get the new Smash Bros. and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, which was like the Dreamcast game but with plenty of additional features.

I’m an English kind of guy. I know my grammar, I know my punctuation, I know my spelling, and I use it all to the best of my ability, but no matter how many English classes you take, there’s one lesson you can only learn from experience: Beauty lies in simplicity. When you’re writing an essay, for instance, you will have the greatest chance at a quality piece by combing out every single unnecessary word that’s stowed around in all the nooks and crannies of the paper and leaving your reader with the simplest, most concise and effective iteration of your thoughts possible. After writing countless articles both for NE and other outlets, I can tell you with certainty that this advice holds true for any writing you will do.

Recently, I’ve found that this rule applies not only to my writing, but to the games I play as well. In playing Mario Sports Mix the past couple of days (review forthcoming!), I’ve noticed how much it has helped my enjoyment of the game that it is controlled in traditional “2-button” fashion, Wiimote held sideways. Likewise, New Super Mario Bros. is a game I just love to play, in part because of how simple it is to control. It’s not just Nintendo, though; Team-17’s Worms: Battle Islands is a two-button game, and I love that game as well. The more I think about it, the more I see a correlation. I don’t think I can think of a single Wiimote-held-sideways game that I don’t enjoy!

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