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General Nintendo

Nintendo has added the translated version of the latest financial briefing Q&A, and it’s filled with all sorts of interesting information.

Shigeru Miyamoto was first asked about what makes network functions an interesting avenue to explore. He responded by by noting that “Nintendo has been making its best efforts to raise the Internet-connection ratio for years”, once again made note of the 3DS’ 60% connection rate, and noted how “there are some who like the excitement of being together with a lot of people online.”

His full response can be found below.

“A big question from the beginning. Speaking as a developer, giving no comment is the typical answer. But let me try to tell you something. Nintendo has been making its best efforts to raise the Internet-connection ratio for years. In addition to our efforts, network connections have rapidly become widespread, like cell phones which are always connected to the network. The connection ratio for the Nintendo 3DS (as Mr. Iwata explained in his presentation today) has reached approximately 60%, and we feel that the network environment has improved significantly. We also put importance on safety and reliability of the network because many people use it. We have concentrated on developing packaged software, but there are some who like the excitement of being together with a lot of people online. Electronic mail and chat are typical examples. Although you might not know it well, ‘Flipnote’ has become a hidden hit among our products. Millions of children who do not communicate on the Internet use this software. We are taking on various challenges including how to operate the system of note exchanges by children freely in a safe manner. In short, we trust the great potential of the network, but we are still in pursuit of originality through trial and error.”


As we’ve previously mentioned, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy were featured in the January 19 issue of Famitsu.

Tetsuya Nomura was interviewed by the magazine and briefly discussed upcoming Square Enix titles.

At the end of the discussion, Nomura was asked about Square Enix’s outlook for 2012. He pointed to the company’s lineup for the year, and also teased an unannounced project from a secret team.

Nomura said:

“…There is also a secret team working on an unannounced title, so there is a chance that some information about that will be announced this year too, please continue looking forward to these announcements.”

Source, Via

Max Factory is readying a couple of new Samus Aran figurines based on her appearance in Metroid: Other M. One of the figures is based on Aran in her Varia Suit (3,620 yen) while the other is a 1/8th scale figure of the bounty hunter in the Zero Suit (7,429 yen).

Both products will be released in June. You can pre-order each figure here.

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

Earlier today, Capcom announced that Ace Attorney 5 is in the works. We don’t have any details about the project, nor do we have any screenshots to show you. Capcom did, however, send out the logo above.

We can only hope that Ace Attorney 5 is in development for the 3DS. It’d be a perfect fit!

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


Nintendo announces world renowned developer behind their latest RPG The Last Story(tm) to present his latest creation at BAFTA on 16th February

Nintendo today announces that an exclusive event will be held at the London headquarters of The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) on Thursday 16th February 2012. BAFTA will welcome the world renowned videogame developer, director and producer Hironobu Sakaguchi to the stage to discuss his illustrious career as the creator behind some of the greatest video games, a departure into film and his return to his heartland of gaming with the creation of the critically-acclaimed The Last Story(tm) for Wii.

Mr Sakaguchi will demonstrate The Last Story(tm) the latest epic RPG from Nintendo ahead of launch on the 24th February to an audience of BAFTA members, press and fans – public tickets can be purchased from at £5 each. The creator himself will take the audience through the twists and turns of the game as players follow the journey and adventures of a band of mercenaries on Lazulis Island. The rich narrative as well as impressive graphics and combat synonymous with Nintendo RPGs will be revealed by the man behind it all before the audience’s very eyes.

In addition to Final Fantasy, Square Enix is celebrating an anniversary for Kingdom Hearts this year. The first game hit Japan on March 28, 2002.

Square Enix has released a logo for the series’ 10th anniversary. You can find it above.

Nintendo has shared a complete English translation of the company’s latest financial results briefing. I’ll be picking out a few choice excepts shortly, but you can read all five pages right here. I won’t bother posting about the sales since I’m sure most of you will find that portion of the discussion to be boring drivel and I don’t want to bog down the site with superfluous news!

Remember how Nintendo teamed up with Team Ninja for Metroid: Other M? It sounds like we can expect similar partnerships to be announced in the near future.

David Gibson has been live-tweeting from Nintendo’s financial briefing, and president Satoru Iwata said that the company will share news on “several alliances/partnerships with external parties”.

Might some of these partnerships/projects end up on Wii U?

2011 was a rough year for Mega Man. Two games in the series was cancelled, and Keiji Inafune left Capcom.

We’re not sure what lies ahead for the Blue Bomber, but Capcom is currently thinking about the series’ future.

Christian Svensson first commented on Mega Man’s 25th anniversary during an “Ask Capcom” show:

“We are continuing to noodle what our plans and what our celebration should be. There’s a whole bunch of things that we know we kind of have to get in a row before we actually really divulge or start to celebrate Mega Man.”

Svensson went on to discuss the series’ future in general:

“I hesitate to say exactly what, because I don’t want people reading more into it than is there. Let’s just say there are top men thinking about and actively discussing where we’re going to take the brand for the next ten years and how we’re going to do it.”

It probably wouldn’t be the best business decision for Capcom, but I’d personally be thrilled if the company revived Mega Man Legends 3. Probably won’t happen, though…


It’s anniversaries galore this year! Mega Man, Street Fighter, and Metal Gear all turn 25 this year.

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, too. The company shared an official logo for the occasion today – you can find the image above.

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