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General Nintendo

Austin put together this neat little booth tour video from this year’s E3. Watch it below!

Nintendo’s Hideki Konno and Kosuke Yabuki divulged a number of intriguing tidbits about Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart in general while speaking with MTV Multiplayer. The two discussed the origins of the anti-gravity idea, how Shigeru Miyamoto was very reluctant to make Miis playable, an abandoned idea for drills on karts, and more.

As always, you can find the full responses after the break.

Choosing the roster for the Super Smash Bros. games isn’t easy. Director Masahiro Sakurai describes the stress put on him as coming close “to the brink of death.”

“The amount of stress I feel, it’s almost to the brink of death. Because it’s not just a matter of me personally thinking this character or that character is going to be in the game; it’s that we also have the game balance, animation, graphics and sound to think about in order to make that character fully fleshed out in that universe. I have to think about all of that when I go through this decision-making process.”

In Sakurai’s opinion, Smash Bros. is all about the character roster. Not having characters such as Mario, Kirby, Samus, or Link playable would make some feel that “it might not be Smash Bros.”

Yoshiaki Koizumi may have a second project in the works alongside Super Mario 3D World.

Koizumi is acting as producer on the upcoming Wii U title. But in an interview with Spanish publication El País, he hinted at an additional game.

El País asked director Koichi Hayashida as well as Koizumi about what their next projects are. Hayashida said that Super Mario 3D World is taking up all of his time at the moment, but Koizumi’s response was pretty interesting:

“I can not reveal it now, but soon we will make an announcement.”

Could EAD Tokyo be developing another title in addition to Super Mario 3D World?


Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Kirby, and Donkey Kong. These are some of the names that should be familiar to most Nintendo fans. But certainly, the Big N has other franchises at its disposal – some of which have been long forgotten or dormant.

Nintendo managed to bring Kid Icarus back to the 3DS after a very lengthy hiatus. Perhaps a similar situation could be realized for the company’s other characters? At the very least, Nintendo seems to be mulling over a few possibilities.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told MTV Multiplayer:

Nintendo is a very fortunate place, we have over 30 different franchises, and we look constantly for opportunities to bring those franchises to bear on our most current systems. I’m not making any promises, and I’m not making any commitments, but certainly we are thinking about, for Wii U and for 3DS, what are those franchises? Maybe those franchises that have been dormant for a few years, that we can loving bring to those platforms to drive our business forward.

Reggie also revealed to MTV that Nintendo is considering Tomodachi Collection for North America. He said that the 3DS game “is something that we are looking hard at for our market”.

“Animal Crossing” is the type of game that you want to play certainly every day, and there are benefits to having the digital version right there on your hardware. I have to say, personally, I don’t find it a huge inconvenience to be swapping out my game cards. There are other games, “Tamagotchi Collection” in Japan, which is something that we are looking hard at for our market, that’s another one that benefits from those short bursts of play, on a day-in, day-out basis.


Youkai Watch will be getting its own anime early next year. The TV show, which is based on the 3DS game, will begin airing in January. Level-5 also has plans for a manga that will be distributed through Shogakukan’s Ciao magazine in December.


Hideki Kamiya likes to have a bit of fun with the fans who ping him on Twitter… especially when it comes to trolling. Ask him when we’ll see news on one of Platinum’s titles, and you’ll get a response that is something along the lines of “Next week… in gaming magazines”.

Sometimes though, fans can be rather persistent – particularly when it comes to Bayonetta 2 coming to additional platforms alongside Wii U. And so Kamiya took to Twitter and reminded gamers once again that Nintendo is funding and publishing the new Bayonetta as well as The Wonderful 101. Those two projects would not be possible without the Big N. A release of Bayonetta 2 on other consoles would only be possible if Nintendo were to publish the game.

Platinum Games’ JP Kellams seemed to take over Kamiya’s Twitter account for a brief moment to add on with this humorous comment:


What would Monster Hunter look like if Capcom brought the series to the Game Boy or Game Boy Color? British artist Gary Lucken may have the answer. Lucken created a series of images showing the potential of Monster Hunter on Nintendo’s older portables. Take a look below:

Source, Via

At E3 2013 last week, Austin caught up with Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya for a brief chat. Kamiya shared an interesting nugget about the Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 development teams.

According to Kamiya, because The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 groups work in the same space, there’s often some (lighthearted) rivalry between the two. He can look over his desk and see what is going on with Bayonetta and feel as though he needs to one-up their intense action scenes, so in an indirect way, the games may bleed over into one another slightly.

Austin, Laura, and Jack created this incredibly random yet amazing video for E3 2013. The gang asked a bunch of people to say lines from George Michael’s “Careless Whisper” song and put the whole thing together. You’ll see appearances from folks like Charles Martinet (the voice of Mario!), Jessica Nigri, and other random people!

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