How to hunt Shiny Zygarde in Pokemon Sword and Shield
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
Playing Pokemon Sword and Shield in 2024 might sound sort of strange, but there’s actually a really good reason for it. Pokemon Legends: Z-A was recently announced for release in 2025, and it’s almost certainly going to include Zygarde in some capacity. To “prepare” for the release of the new game, some Pokemon trainers are heading back to Sword and Shield to Shiny hunt Zygarde.
Outside of events, Pokemon Sword and Shield is the only game in which you can legitimately hunt for a Shiny Zygarde. More specifically, you can only go after one in the Crown Tundra’s DLC Max Lair. This is kind of a brutal Shiny hunt, but we’ve come prepared with tips and tricks on beating Dynamax Zygarde every time.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
How to 100 percent complete Side Order in Splatoon 3
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
If you’re willing to put in several hours for Splatoon 3’s new Side Order DLC, it’s possible to 100 percent complete the mode – and we’ve put together a full list of criteria. Be warned, however – while fully beating Side Order isn’t terribly difficult, it does rely on RNG somewhat. If that’s okay with you, then let’s get right into our Side Order 100 percent completion guide.
More: highlight, Splatoon 3, top
How to clear Eight’s Palette with low hacks in Splatoon 3
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
Today, we’re going over some tips and tricks to clear Eight’s Palette with low hacks in Splatoon 3’s Side Order DLC.
Splatoon 3’s Side Order DLC has been available for a little while now, and many players are beginning its most challenging feat: clearing the Spire of Order with Eight’s Palette. After you clear the Spire with every other Palette, you’ll receive Agent 8’s Palette – an Octo Shot Replica with a Splat Bomb sub and Triple Splashdown special. There’s one key difference that only applies to Eight’s Palette, though. Unlike other Palettes, Eight’s loses Color Chip slots if you have many of Marina’s hacks active. In other words, if you have hacks active, you will only be able to equip a few Color Chips in the Spire of Order. And if you clear the Spire with four active hacks or less, you receive a special Badge for your profile. We’ll also be discussing techniques for the final boss, so you might want to bookmark this page for later if you’re looking to avoid spoilers.
More: highlight, Splatoon 3, top
Shiny Celebi hunting guide before Pokemon Bank closes
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in 3DS, Guides | 6 Comments
A while back, we put together a big list of Shiny Pokemon that will become unobtainable after Pokemon Bank closes. Shiny Celebi is one such Pokemon, and it’s only available via Pokemon Crystal on the 3DS Virtual Console.
Given that the eShop has closed its doors to new purchases, this means the only legitimate way to get a Shiny Celebi at all (outside of Pokemon GO) is to have already purchased and installed Pokemon Crystal on your 3DS.
More: Pokemon Bank, Pokemon Crystal
7 Star Blastoise Tera Raid Battle guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
The 7 Star Blastoise Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is now live, and it’s thankfully a little bit easier than the 7 Star Venusaur earlier this week – assuming you have the right Pokemon, that is.
The new 7 Star Blastoise event lasts until March 12, and it’s got a decently threatening moveset. It uses Shell Smash when a quarter of its health has been taken out, which boosts its offenses and its Speed stat. It also uses Rain Dance halfway through the battle to boost the strength of its Hydro Pump. Blastoise itself is Tera Steel and can use Hydro Pump, Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, and Iron Defense whenever it wants. We’ve put together a couple of counters you can use to take it down easily.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Cobalion location guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
Today, we’re continuing our coverage of the many Legendary Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet’s Indigo Disk DLC with a Cobalion location guide. As a reminder, you can only catch these Pokemon after you clear the DLC’s main story – they’re unavailable for capture in the main game.
Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion form the Swords of Justice trio introduced in Pokemon Black and White. They’ve also each got their own future Paradox counterparts in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Iron Crown, Iron Boulder, and Iron Leaves, respectively. None of the Swords of Justice are exclusive to either Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet, which means you can catch Cobalion regardless of the version you’re playing.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Zapdos location guide in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
Today, we’re once again continuing our coverage of Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet with a Zapdos location guide. There are tons of returning Legendary Pokemon available in this game, and they’re all unlocked once you clear the main story of the Indigo Disk DLC.
Once you’ve done that, an NPC named Snacksworth will appear out front of Blueberry Academy. This character gives you snacks that attract certain Legendary Pokemon to specific places in Paldea. Every time you clear 10 Solo Quests or 1 Group Quest, you’ll earn one random Legendary snack. If you’re specifically hunting for Zapdos, you’ll need to keep clearing quests over and over again until you happen to receive the snack you’re looking for.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
7 Star Venusaur Tera Raid Battle guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
One announcement from the recent Pokemon Presents was new 7 Star Tera Raid Battles for Scarlet and Violet. One such event is 7 Star Venusaur, which is currently live.
Venusaur is a tough one – certainly one of the toughest yet. Even with adequate preparation, it took us a few tries to take it down. At the beginning of the match, Venusaur uses Sunny Day to activate its Chlorophyll Ability, and then it uses Growth to sharply boost its offenses. From there, it knows Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, and Earth Power as its attacking moves, plus Amnesia to boost Special Defense. The event lasts until March 5.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Side Order rewards guide for Splatoon 3
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 1 Comment
Side Order, Splatoon 3’s new DLC campaign, is now available, and we have a full list of rewards players can obtain.
Side Order is a single-player roguelike mode that sees you climbing up the Spire of Order. You’ll take down enemies, earn a currency called Prlz, and then use that currency to claim exclusive rewards in the main multiplayer mode of Splatoon 3. We wrote a guide that includes some general tips and tricks for Side Order, and you can check that out here. Since we’ll be talking about Side Order rewards here, there are definitely lots of spoilers afoot. That being said, we won’t discuss the names of story-tied bosses and enemies. If you’re okay with that, then let’s get into the full list of rewards.
More: highlight, Splatoon 3, top
Ability Chunks in Splatoon 3 explained: what they do and how to get them
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 Comments
Today, we’re going over what Ability Chunks are in Splatoon 3, what each one does, and how you can use them on your gear to best effect.
Ability Chunks are a returning mechanic in Splatoon 3 that let you change up your gear with special bonuses and effects. Each piece of headgear, clothing, and shoes can have one primary ability and three secondary abilities. To unlock all three slots on a piece of gear, you’ll need to either purchase an upgrade in the shop with in-game currency or use Super Sea Snails (which are only obtained after participating in a Splatfest). It’s important to note that amiibo-exclusive gear is not present in the shops, so the only way to upgrade them at all is to use Super Sea Snails.