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General Nintendo

Nintendo of America director of product marketing Bill Trinen, who is quickly becoming a very familiar face with the company, has addressed a few topics about Wii U – and even the Wii as well.

In the interview roundup below, you’ll find out what Trinen said about Nintendo TVii’s absence at the Wii U’s launch, what lies ahead for the console, and more. Trinen also confirmed that, as expected, Nintendo is no longer developing any Wii games internally.

The gold nunchuck has been sold out on Club Nintendo since August. Soon though, the reward will be coming back in stock.

As stated on the gold nunchuck’s product page, it will be available once again on Monday, November 26. It likely won’t be on the site for too long, so you should place an order as soon as possible next week.

Be sure to visit this page on Monday.

Earlier this month, a trademark for “Fighters of Capcom” was registered. Capcom filed the name on November 8.

One possibility is that the trademark could be the localized name for Capcom All Stars With Everyone, a Japanese mobile card game RPG. Or maybe it’s something brand new.

Source 1, Source 2

Dark Horse, the publisher of The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia in North America, is changing the art book’s cover.

Take a look below.

Dark Horse editor Patrick Thorpe explained the decision to change the cover:

“This is the official cover for the North American version of The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia. The logo and gold colored design elements will be gold foil stamped. The large symbol on the cover is the Gate of Time from Skyward Sword. We felt that it was appropriate for a number of reasons. Hyrule Historia is a history book, not only about the development of the games, but the history of Hyrule as well. We wanted the reader to feel like they were stepping through the gate, back in time, and experiencing all aspects of the Legend of Zelda. As keen-eyed Zelda fans will tell you, the three symbols surrounding the triforce are the symbols of the three goddesses who… well, I’ll let you read the book to find out their signifance. But we loved the gate’s symbol because it is fraught with meaning, much of which is explained in different sections of the book, and appear again and again throughout the series. One of the other reasons is that there are Skyward Sword sections that bookend Hyrule Historia. It felt appropriate to put a symbol from the 25th anniversary game on the cover. I hope that you all like it as much as we do.”

What do you think about the updated image? Like it? Hate it?


David Yarnton has finally been replaced (nooooo!) and Nintendo of Europe has a new general manager: Simon Kemp. Kemp does not come from a background of gaming companies, but instead worked in television and business marketing departments. Even still, he has the “Nintendo is the best” chit chat style down already:

“I’m extremely excited to be joining Nintendo UK at such a pivotal moment. With the launch of Wii U Nintendo is once again changing the way everyone will play games at home, it’s a fantastic time to be here. Nintendo UK also has an extremely talented team in place already and I am very much looking forward to leading & working with each and every one of them.” – Nintendo of Europe general manager Simon Kemp

I wonder how soon after they’re hired Nintendo teaches their employees the “changing the way everyone will play games” line…


Reggie acknowledging the “my body is ready” meme? That’s amazing!

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