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Level-5 International America posted a message on its Facebook yesterday hinting that something big could be on the way. When it comes down to it though, it may not be worth getting excited over.

The company wrote the following:

“Fridays are great, but we’re looking forward to next week, North America!”

Next week is important for Level-5 International America: it’s first published game, Liberation Maiden, is hitting the 3DS eShop on Thursday. Something tells me that this is what the company was referring to.

On the other hand, if an announcement would be taking place on Friday, then that can’t be about the downloadable game.

Either way, we’ll know what’s up with the message in a few days.


Can you believe that in around a year from now Beyond God & Evil will be celebrating its tenth anniversary? Time really does fly by!

Ubisoft first teased a sequel, Beyond Good & Evil 2, over four years ago. We haven’t heard much about it since then.

It shouldn’t come as a shock that creator Michel Ancel franchise’s creator still has nothing to say about the project. He was asked for any sort of update in this month’s Nintendo Power, but Ancel was only able to reply with the following:

“[Laughs] I think the Wii U GamePad could be used nicely as a camera… [Laughs] No, to be honest, I’m really focused on Rayman Legends right now. I’m surprised how much of our energy it’s taking because I expected it to be an easier game to make. But because of the Wii U GamePad, we’re really focusing on this one. I can’t talk about what the next game will before us because it’s not set in stone yet, so I guess I don’t have a better answer for you. Sorry! [Laughs]”

Nintendo Everything reader Steven has sent us an image of the first Nintendo-related toys from Burger King.

These come as the start of the fast food restaurant’s new Wii U toy deal with the video game maker.

Steven says that two toys were up for purchase: a Mario figurine that allows you to move its arm and legs, and a Koopa shell which is pull back and can apparently roll. The pieces of paper in the photo above are sticker that are provided with each toy.

Both should be available throughout the Toronto area at the moment, and should be out at most Burger King locations in the near future.

Oddly enough, there’s nothing about the toys that make them stand out as being Wii U-specific. And unsurprisingly, there’s no indication that they have any sort of NFC technology inside that could work with the console.

If there is a new Mass Effect game (it’s really a matter of when, right?), it won’t star Commander Sheppard at all. BioWare would look to take the franchise in a different direction with a brand new hero.

BioWare Montreal producer Fabrice Condominas explained:

“There is one thing we are absolutely sure of – there will be no more Shepard, and the trilogy is over. This is really our starting point. Now the Mass Effect universe is vast, and very, very rich. So at this point in time, we don’t even know what kind of time frame we’re going to be in. All we’re doing is more gathering ideas from the teams, gathering feedback to see several things. So first, we don’t want to make ‘Shepard 2?, or Mass Effect 4 with like, ‘oh there’s no more Shepard but you’re a soldier in the universe’. So this will be a very, very different context for sure, and nothing has been decided on the rest.”


Nintendo really really doesn’t like pirates. They don’t like them so much that the only pirates in their games either don’t dress like pirates at all, or are robots. No real pirates allowed. Did you know they even have an anti-piracy website?

UK resident Justin Brooks learned this the hard way when Nintendo found out he had been selling “thousands” of counterfeit Wii and DS games to people in the region, reportedly making around $962,000 over two years. Now his escapades are coming to an end and he faces two counts of “fraudulent trading”, two counts of “supplying an article to use in fraud”, two counts of “unauthorized possession of goods bearing a trademark”, and one count of “unauthorized use of a trademark.”

Via Joystiq

I’m posting this with some (okay, a lot actually) hesitancy. The source code on Demon’s Tribe initially listed Wii U, but all signs since then have pointed to an iOS release.

So we are posting this trailer, but this may be the last time you hear about it on here – unless SEGA confirms that this is in the works for Wii U.

The Hanafuda Cards reward is back in stock at Club Nintendo. You can order the reward once again for 800 coins. Head on over to this link if interested.

European 3DS owners: be sure to head on over to the eShop to view this month’s episode in 3D.

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