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General Nintendo

The next generation of consoles is on the way, but Warren Spector is more concerned with creativity in the gaming industry.

In an interview with EDGE, Spector said, “I think most of the problems we have to solve are creative ones, not technical ones.”

He told the publication:

“If it comes it comes; when it comes, it comes. I’m not a tech guy, particularly. I’m a design, story, character guy. I think most of the problems we have to solve are creative ones, not technical ones.

“Obviously we make software, so there’s always a technical element to what we do, but I will make games that do whatever I want them to do at the end of the day, and I will use whatever technology [is] available.”


Did you know that Google and Square Enix collaborated on the “8-Bit Map” April Fools’ joke? Yes, it’s true!

Although Google was the “brain” behind the idea, Square Enix was more than happy to assist them in making the map.

According to a U.S. Square Enix representative:

“It was a collaborative effort between Square Enix and Google. Google came up with the idea, then we provided the assets and helped them to create the map.”


Nintendo has announced its PAX East lineup. Players can experience Mario Tennis Open, Spirit Camera, and Ketzal’s Corridors before release. The company will also be handing out AR cards for Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Head past the break to read about Nintendo’s full PAX East plans.

When asked about which Nintendo series he’d like to work on in an interview with Nintendo Gamer, n-Space’s Tim Schwalk said he’d like to revisit Geist. Schwalk was the lead programmer on the GameCube title.

He also said that he would be interested in revitalizing the Uniracers IP for the 3DS.

Schwalk told the magazine:

“This may sound a bit self-serving, but I would love to work on another Geist game. We left so many ideas on the cutting-room floor that it’s a dream of mine to revisit the franchise. Aside from that, I’d love to revive Uniracers and bring it to the 3DS. I’m not a huge fan of motion controls, but there are a lot of cool things we could do with it.”


As it turns out, the announcement teased for yesterday’s Pokemon Smash announcement wasn’t at all game-related. It was simply a contest involving the show itself.

That’s a bit disappointing, but on the bright side, we’ll definitely be getting Pokemon Black/White 2 news next week. Stay tuned for that!


It’s a new month, which means a few new downloadable rewards have been added to Club Nintendo. March’s selection of games have been swapped out for You, Me, and the Cubes (WiiWare), Excitebike: World Rally (WiiWare), and Metal Torrent (eShop).

Both Wii Shop Channel titles cost 200 coins. You can pick up Metal Torrent for 150 points.

You have until April 30 to download the latest batch of rewards.

Gotta admit… this is pretty darn neat. And yes, it does work! You can try it out on Google’s site here. I don’t think we’ll be seeing this on the NES, though…

Namco Bandai has opened a teaser site for something relating to Taiko: Drum Master. And if I had to bet on the situation, I’d say this could turn out to be a new game.

Taiko: Drum Master found a home on the DS and Wii in recent years. The franchise has also appeared on arcades, the PlayStation 2, PSP, and iOS/Android devices.

We’ll find out what the teaser is about in a little less than two weeks. You can keep track of the site here.


There’s lots of disappointing SEGA news going around today. Following the announcement about a restructuring of the company and cancellation of numerous titles, IGN has learned through a reliable source that the entire North American QA department has been shut down. Going forward, SEGA Europe will handle all QA responsibilities.

There have apparently been layoffs in marketing, design, social, and development as well.

According to the same IGN source, “any currently announced game” not related to Sonic, Football Manager, Total War, and Aliens will not be published by SEGA.


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