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Rumors regarding a possible Pokemon announcement at Jump Festa began in September. Now a reveal of some sort is sounding even more likely.

A page inside of the latest Jump issue says, “Pokemon makes first appearance at JF!! Surprising information on the show floor?” The magazine also teases a “big surprise” for the Pokemon booth.


Not at all surprised that Isaiah Triforce Johnson was the first to purchase the game at the Nintendo World Store. He’s camped out for the launches of the 3DS, Wii, and plenty of Nintendo games.

Source: Nintendo PR

A couple weeks ago we held a poll on Facebook asking all of you to vote on which Zelda songs you think are the best the series has to offer. In honor of Skyward Sword’s release tomorrow/Sunday/Friday/whatever, here are the results!

Note to self: Probably no more green screen usage. It just messes with the footage a lot and becomes terribly hard to edit. That, coupled with a few other issues means we’re far from perfect, but I’d say it’s a significant step up from last week! We hope you feel the same.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime sat with with “Games Blog” to discuss 3DS DLC, competition from the mobile space, what Wii U needs to succeed, and more. He even discusses what he’s playing on other consoles. It’s kind of strange reading about how Reggie is going through the likes of Battlefield 3 and Gears of War…

All of his responses can be found after the break.

SEGA continues their “Sonic the Hedgehog Documentary” with a new episode focusing on the music in the series…

Famitsu often features weekly announcements for a variety of titles, but next week’s issue will apparently contain a significant reveal. Andriasang reports that the magazine “teases that there could be a surprising scoop.”

While we don’t know if the news will be Nintendo-related, there will definitely be coverage on Kingdom Hearts 3D, Zelda: Skyward Sword (strategy guides), Mario Kart 7, and Metal Max 2 Reloaded.

Expect all of the news to leak out no later than Tuesday.


I believe this is mostly the same music montage that the orchestra played during Nintendo’s E3 2011 presentation. This video’s sound quality is much, much better though.

Something tells me Reggie wanted to take one of those giant karts home…

Source 1: Nintendo PR, Source 2

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