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General Nintendo

We told you about this about two weeks ago, but Ubisoft 100% confirmed today that the show is happening.

SAN FRANCISCO – October 4, 2010 – Today Ubisoft and Aardman announced a partnership to create together a pilot and several shorts based on Ubisoft’s popular video game characters, the Rabbids.

Created by Ubisoft, one of the world’s leading video game creators in 2006, the Rabbids have transcended video games, inspiring a series of viral videos on the Internet, plush toys and even award-winning ads for world-renowned brands like Renault and Coca-Cola. For Aardman, ground-breaking creators of television and film properties such as Shaun the Sheep and Wallace and Gromit, the project represents a rare foray into applying their creative talents to a licensed property. The animated pilot will be produced jointly by Ubisoft and Aardman.

Level-5 will once again be hosting their “Vision Event” this year. As you can see in the image below, the company has a few secret titles in store. Unfortunately, we won’t know if any of them are for a Nintendo platform until October.


We’re still about 30 minutes away, but take a look at these photos will you wait!

“2012 is the 10th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts, so we’d like to do something to celebrate. However, I’ll say this up front, just because it’s the 10th anniversary, we still won’t have KH3 out (laughs).” – Tetsuya Nomura

Well, this is rather unfortunate news! I figured we’d be getting the assets on Kingdom Hearts 3 in some of the coming months, judging by how long it’s been since the second one! Sure, we’ve had the little side-stories in between that have had the developers keeping busy, but come on, where’s the main installment?

Via Andriasang

This information comes from Capcom Europe’s Twitter…

“Two new games announced tomorrow for the early birds amongst you here at 7am”

Well, we know of a pretty big Nintendo event that’s happening in a few hours! I’d say it’s extremely likely that these announcements are related to the 3DS. Or, perhaps even the Wii. Right now it hasn’t been confirmed that the Big N’s conference is just for the 3DS, so we’ll have to wait and see.


As it turns out, Level-5’s Jiro Ishii is not making an Ace Attorney game. Ishii and Capcom’s Shu Takumi did have dinner the night before, but the “Gyakuten XX” part of the first reported tweet appears to be nothing more than a joke with Square Enix’s Jin Fujisawa. At least we can still look forward to Time Travelers from Ishii.

“A misunderstanding seems to be spreading, so let me say that I’m currently working only on Time Travelers.”

Thanks to Taylor and Robert for the tip!


According to a job listing found for animators, Aardman Animations is making a new television series based on Ubisoft’s Raving Rabbids franchise. Aardman is mostly known for their claymation work on Wallace & Gromit as well as other project, but the company released its first computer-animated creation, Flushed Away, in 2006. The listing noted that the show will be “a live action / CGI mix”, and indicates that it is an in-house production. That’s the only information we have at the moment, but we should hear additional news in the near future.


“Huh? Oh, Gyakuten XX. I’m making it, with Mr. Takumi!” – Level-5’s Jiro Ishii’s Twitter

I positively love the Ace Attorney series, and while the Perfect Prosecutor spin-offs are very good games, I really feel the need to get back into the defendant’s booth and cross-examine some dudes! I really hope this ends up being true, because Level-5 is a great developer who I know could do wonderful things with the Ace Attorney name.

Side note: “Gyakuten XX” is the Japanese name for the series.

Via Andriasang

It’s true that the sprite comparisons are at the same angle, but you can’t deny that there King Hippo and Donkey Kong are alike in many ways. Just look at the positions of the characters’ arms. Heck, even their facial expressions are comparable!

Thanks to TT for the tip!


That is correct, guys: On this day in Japan, 1889, the original toy-making wonder-company Nintendo was founded, and the whole dream of video gaming began. Of course, it wasn’t until 1975 that they actually turned into a video entertainment company, but still, it’s pretty cool that they got their roots all the way back in the 1800s!

Congratulations to Nintendo, and here’s to another 121!

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