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General Nintendo

Bamboo/paper hand fans

– 150 points
– Blooper, Mario, Fireworks (Animal Crossing), Pink (Animal Crossing)
– 22cm
– Includes storage case
– Available until June 30

Posters (also at North American Club Nintendo)

– Mario poster set
– Three B2 posters
– One has a timeline of Mario
– 73×43 cm


Capcom was just saying that “there are exciting ideas in the Mega Man space.” Could Mega Man Universe be one of them?


Thanks to Ross M for the tip!

“[The series still has] some surprises in store for everybody. It’s good. I don’t want to say nobody has seen it coming. Somebody may have seen it coming. But it excited me and when I heard about the project, I was like, ‘Holy crap. That’s rad.’ I actually haven’t seen anything that’s going on with the project right now but the idea was exciting. This is still kicking around as a concept. But there are exciting ideas in the Mega Man space. – Capcom’s Seth Killian

Something tells me that whatever Capcom’s thinking about won’t be like Mega Man 9/10. I’m definitely pumped to learn more about the future of Mega Man. What about you guys?


I suppose this doesn’t need much of an explanation At first it takes a minute or so to see, and the N64 obviously needs to be at a certain angle. But the ears on the side, nose by the eyes, mouth, everything – It’s all there!

Thanks to Kyle for the tip!

Nintendo is always on the lookout for pirates, and just last week they shut down a Japanese game store for advertising that they sold R4 cards. Once again Nintendo is trying to fight pirates by revealing that (according to them) a 50% drop in European game sales is due to people using flash cards and such to illegally obtain games. Apparently Nintendo loses trillions of yen every year from pirates, and have also discovered 238 million cases of software pirating in just June of last year.

I’m not sure if I’d believe that there was a 50% drop due to just piracy alone, but I guess Nintendo probably knows more on the subject than I do!


Captivate was held in Hawaii last week, but due to an embargo, news has been relatively quiet. There has been some speculation here and there, though nothing has been made official just yet. Well, tomorrow Capcom will pull back the curtain on the whole event. Will Capcom announce Okamiden for North America? Or will they reveal a new Resident Evil game for Wii? Both of those possibilities have popped up over the past few days, but tomorrow we’ll know if there was any truth to those rumors.


Siliconera is reporting that Konami has trademarked Harmony of Despair in Europe. Now, just what is this game you ask? Nothing is certain yet, but it’s possible that it’s a new Castlevania title. After all, Harmony of Despair follows the name format of previous Castlevania games. I’d be up for a new entry in the series on the DS – What about you guys?


Miyamoto on whether he believes that his honor is decades overdue/deserved due to Donkey Kong/Mario or more recent creations…

“I don’t really know… I think that my best work is yet to come, actually. I mean, in the past five years I’ve been working on such unusual game titles, like Wii Fit Plus or Wii Sports Resort. And, probably, ten years ago I could never have been able to imagine that I would be making games like that. I’ve really enjoyed making unusual titles like those, that can remind me that in the next ten years or so I’ll be able to have unexpected joy in creating some very different genres from what I can imagine today. That’s why I can say that the best is yet to come to me.”

Miyamoto on retirement…

“Well, I am one of the company workers and the company has to retire me some time. So from that perspective, yes I may have to retire from Nintendo some day. But when I look around and see how aged cartoonists continue to work on their manga and how movie directors create new movies all the time, I understand that they would never retire. And by the same token, I guess I will still be making games somehow. The only question is whether the younger people will be willing to work with me at that far point in the future.”

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