Capcom issues official statement on layoffs
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Capcom laid off a number of its staffers in the US. One of those affected is none other than Christian Svensson, the company’s senior VP of planning and business development Christian Svensson.
Capcom confirmed that the layoffs were a part of the company’s “overall organizational restructure”.
The full statement reads:
“Capcom today laid off several employees from the US office as part of an overall organizational restructure of the company. The transition to the new generation of hardware and changing industry landscape have required us to adapt our business to best meet our new goals. We sincerely thank each individual for their contributions and wish them well.”
Geoff Johns and Jim Lee “recording something” for Scribblenauts
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments

Geoff Johns and Jim Lee are two well-known figures in the comics scene. Johns primarily writes, while Lee has acted as an artist, writer, and more.
Both are now contributing to Scribblenauts, as they’ve been seen “recording something”. Given their impact in the comics industry, one would think that they’ll be involved with Scribblenauts Unmasked in some fashion.
Capcom’s Svensson departs as company sees layoffs
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Capcom has laid off a number of its staff, and now-former senior vice president Christian Svensson is among those affected.
Svensson stepped down voluntarily as the publisher reorganizes. He isn’t the only one to go, writing on Facebook that “sadly, I’m not the only one affected by the reorganization today. Over the next few days, I’ll be gathering resumes from as many as I can and will be sending them out to my contacts around the industry to see if there’s a ‘love connection’ to be made.”
Svensson also said:
“I’ve had the opportunity to interface with the best fans any company could ever hope to have. I know that I wasn’t always able to deliver what they wanted, but I promise that I did my best to champion their needs and wants. So thank you to the fans who made my job rewarding, challenging, and, if nothing else, interesting.”
“While I wish the company the best of luck, Capcom is going in a different direction and the need for people at my level, relative to other areas, is lacking. Those who know me well, know that I’ve been ready to go for quite some time. We tried some things that worked. We tried others that didn’t. We fought fights that were worth fighting and even won a few. I’m proud of what we accomplished.”
Namco Bandai trademarks “Lost Swords” in Europe
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments

In Europe, Namco Bandai trademarked something called “Lost Swords”. It’s associated with video games, meaning that the company could be developing this unannounced title. Lost Swords could a completely new project from Namco Bandai, given how we haven’t heard of a similar name in the past.
Nintendo wanted to shut down entire Smash Bros. event at Evo 2013
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 10 Comments
Nintendo’s original opposition to include Super Smash Bros. Meele at Evo 2013 goes further than initially thought.
Joey “Mr Wizard” Cuellar, co-founder of the tournament, told OneMoreGameTV that the company had hoped to shut down the entire Smash Bros. section – despite speaking with people inside Nintendo who “didn’t see a problem” with the event. It was initially thought that Nintendo only rejected permission for the streaming portion of Evo’s proceedings.
Cuellar said:
Miyamoto talks all about Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Earlier today, Kotaku published a massive article covering The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Shigeru Miyamoto was brought in to discuss the game’s development, and touched on subjects such as initially wanting to make it first-person, the turning points of introducing Epona and young/adult Link, and more.
We’ve picked out a few select quotes below. You can find Kotaku’s full feature here.
Videos: “Ubisoft Quebec’s Behind Closed Doors” – episodes 1 and 2
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos | 0 comments
Two Tribes passed on Angry Birds appearance in Toki Tori, was director’s “worst decision ever”
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Two Tribes was presented with an incredible opportunity prior to the release of Toki Tori 2. The studio could have put an Angry Bird in Toki Tori. Likewise, Toki Tori would have been in Angry Birds. In the end, however, Two Tribes decided against the idea.
Angry Birds soon went on to become a smashing success. Of course, Two Tribes had no way of anticipating that the game would have taken off like it did. But looking back on the situation, Two Tribes director Martijn Reuvers calls it his “worst decision ever”.
Reuvers said:
“Finding the next Angry Birds or Temple Run or whatever is of course the holy grail. But we haven’t found it either. In fact, I think a lot of those successes are based on luck as well. To give you an example: when Angry Birds released back in 2009, its initial success was quite limited. In fact its publisher, Chillingo, contacted me to see if there were possibilities to put an Angry Bird in Toki Tori to raise awareness of their game. Back then Toki Tori was a success for Chillingo, whereas Angry Birds (which was released on their B-label: Clickgamer), was not (yet).
The idea was to put an Angry Bird in Toki Tori and they would then put Toki Tori in Angry Birds. But when I played the game, I strongly felt that it wasn’t a right fit to put in Toki Tori. And I declined. A couple of months later, the sales suddenly picked up massively. The rest is history. In retrospect, it has been my worst decision ever”
SEGA unveiling Project 575 next week
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Last month, SEGA opened a teaser site for “Project 575” and released a teaser video. There hasn’t been any news on the game since then… until now.
SEGA now says that Project 575 will be unveiled on July 18. The company also published a new teaser – view it above.
Fire Emblem Wii U would need to sell 700,000 copies to be successful, new Advance Wars not confirmed/denied, why SMT X FE isn’t DLC, more
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
More tidbits from Hobby Consolas’ interview with the Fire Emblem: Awakening team have appeared online.
First, a few notes about the 3DS game:
– Nintendo said that 80% of players should can finish Fire Emblem: Awakening, but as there would be a 20% that wouldn’t was the reason for including Casual mode.
– According to them, you can finish the game without using the “Pair up” system.
– According to Tohru Narihiro, the game is exactly the same in Japanese and Western versions
– They consider the Fire Emblem public a “Purist” one, but should also attract the general public.