XSEED on its Wii support, Pandora’s Tower sales expectations, no Retro Game Challenge 2 for the eShop, more
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii | 0 comments
XSEED VP Ken Berry opened up on a number of interesting topics in an interview with Digital Trends. Berry discussed its support of Wii, its “deal” with Nintendo for The Last Story, the company’s sales expectations for Pandora’s Tower, and Retro Game Challenge 2 localization.
Sadly, XSEED has no plans to localize the DS title – nor will it consider an eShop release. The first game “was an incredibly expensive project”, but it didn’t sell well at all. As a result, XSEED can’t take a similar risk with Retro Game Challenge 2.
Head past the break to read up on all of Berry’s commentary.
Sonic Team participating in Internet stream this weekend
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
A number of staffers from the Sonic Team will be on hand this weekend for the Japanese online TV show Puyo-Puyo. Tadashi Takezaki from SEGA, producer Takashi Iizuka, sound director Jun Senoue, and art director Kazuyuki Hoshino will be present.
Puyo-Puyo’s next show is on Sunday. That just so happens to be one day after the “Hedgehog Day”, which is typically accompanied by announcements.
Could the Sonic Team have something to say about its rumored project?
Hyrule Historia is Amazon’s top-selling book in the US
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
Nintendo and Dark Horse must be pleased with initial sales of Hyrule Historia. The special 272-page Zelda book, which officially goes on sale tomorrow, is currently a best-seller on Amazon’s US outlet. At the moment, Hyrule Historia lands at the 9th position on the Amazon UK charts.
If you have for some reason not yet ordered Hyrule Historia, you can pick up a copy from Amazon here.
Crytek Arrives in America with New Studio in Austin, Texas
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Worth noting: David Adams is Vigil Games’ former GM and co-owner.
Developer’s first North American studio paves the way for exciting new opportunities
Frankfurt (Germany) / Austin (Texas, USA), January 28, 2013 – Crytek GmbH today unveiled their ninth worldwide studio, situated in Austin, Texas, USA. Crytek USA Corp. is the company’s first US-based studio and is ideally placed to embrace exciting new game, engine and business development opportunities in North America and beyond.
“Crytek has always enjoyed a special relationship with gamers and business partners in North America, so establishing a permanent presence in the US was a natural step,” said Crytek CEO, Cevat Yerli. “We are extremely excited about the work that we will be undertaking from our strategic new location in Austin, with David Adams and his team of 35 experienced developers. We believe our CryENGINE® technology will enable the team we assemble to create unparalleled new gaming experiences.”
Rumor: Epic Mickey studio being shut down
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 0 comments
Rumor has it that the studio behind the Epic Mickey games will be shut down. Roberts Space Industries, a Star Citizen crowdfunding platform, posted the update on its Twitter account today.
Second 21 gun salute for a studio in 7 days.Fare-the-well Junction Point!We hope that you all find new studios soon!
— RSI (@RobertsSpaceInd) January 28, 2013
Once again: this is simply a rumor for now. 3D Realms’ Geroge Broussard typically is among the first to post these kinds of things, and noted on his own Twitter profile that Junction Point closing speculation has been “circulating for a while.”
The Junction Point rumors have been circulating a while. Warning signs when you give employees 2 months off after shipping.
— George Broussard (@georgeb3dr) January 28, 2013
Disney says they’re going to look into violence in their video games, decide if anything needs to be done about it
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
“At Disney there’s very little [violent content], but I still want to make sure we’re asking ourselves the right questions in terms of that standard and also [ensure] we’re willing to be a part of a dialogue in today’s world that I think is pretty necessary in terms of what our role is and what our role should be.” – Disney CEO Robert Iger
A respectable point of view, if I do say so myself. Even though there isn’t a definitive link between violence in games and violent behavior, all of us– developers and gamers alike– need to be open to at least discussion and objectively examining our hobby just in case it plays any role in stuff like this. And if it doesn’t, the self-examination can only serve to increase our awareness about how much tasteless violence there is in video games, which is something we should strive to cut back on for the sake of the art.
Develop Online Via MCVUK
China is considering ending their ban on game consoles
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
After nearly thirteen years of not allowing companies to sell their game consoles in the country, China’s seven ministries that originally banned the sale of gaming devices (under the guise that they would harm the mental development of children) are reportedly considering ending the prohibition.
The news comes from the China Daily, which says that the country’s “Ministry of Culture” is holding discussions and would need to get all seven organizations to agree on the idea before it could be enacted into law. The most important thing about the news story, though, is that Chinese kids who perhaps had an N64 before the ban in 2000 would all of a sudden be rocketed up to the Wii U and have their minds completely blown, which is an experience of which we can all be jealous.
GameCenter CX Balloon Fight Wii U VC – subtitled edition
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
The video below should give you a better idea as to what was happening in the latest GameCenter CX:
Tales of Festival 2013 dated
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Namco Bandai’s annual Tales of Festival has been dated. This year’s event will be taking place on June 1 and June 2 at the Yokohama Arena in Japan.
Traditionally, Namco Bandai makes big announcements about the Tales series at the yearly “festival”. Both Tales of Xillia games were officially revealed at the show, for instance.
Tales of Festival 2013 S seats will be priced at 8,800 yen. A seats will be priced at 6,800 yen. Premium seat prices will be announced early February.
Silent Hill producer moves from Konami to WayForward
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Tomm Hulett spend the past six years of his career working at Konami. He has now moved on to WayForward as a director with the studio.
Gamers may best know Hulett as the producer of Silent Hill’s most recent releases. Hulett also contributed to Rocket Knight and Contra 4.