Video: “Why Zelda Fans want The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD “
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 1 Comment
Kamiya originally wanted realistic graphics for Okami, was a simulation game at one point
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 3 Comments
Nintendo’s new Wonderful 101 Iwata Asks talk is filled with juicy tidbits about director Hideki Kamiya’s past and the projects he worked on. Okami was among the games discussed, and Kamiya was more than willing to share a number of interesting details.
During the design process, Kamiya originally wanted to implement super realistic graphics for Okami. It was, interestingly, a simulation title at one point. Players would build houses and fields – far from the Zelda-type gameplay that made it into the final product.
Coming up with good ideas was initially difficult, Kamiya told Iwata. But things started to fall into place when Kamiya and the rest of the staff took a three day vacation, sat in a room, and tried producing ideas. One developer said, “Since Amaterasu is a god she can do anything, right?” That’s when it all started to click. The line of thinking shifted from “What can we do?” to “We can do anything.”
Details from Iwata Asks: The Wonderful 101
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Nintendo has published the official Iwata Asks interview dedicated to The Wonderful 101. Director Hideki Kamiya joined Nintendo president Satoru Iwata to discuss the new Wii U game.
It’s not up in English just yet, but various tidbits from the talk have been translated. You can find those below.
– Kamiya played games (Intellivision and the like) mainly at the game corners of department stores because his family couldn’t afford to buy any
– He sometimes went to an upper-classmans house to play their cassette-vision, but was often teased by them
-His first game console he owned was a Famicon/NES, which he bought in middle school. He bought it with the money he got at new years
– He had trouble finding one, but found a store that was going to get 10 of them in stock. He woke up at 4AM to go to the store to buy the Famicon, but 10 people were already lined up.
– A friend of his cousins offered to sell him their Famicon with 15 games for 30000 yen.
– The first game he bought from a store was “Nuts and Milk”
– He feels his time with the Famicon was the funnest period of his life
– While he really enjoyed playing games, he never really thought about the people that created them.
– He first learned about what a game designer was after reading an talk between Miyamoto and Zebius creator Masanobu Endou in the Famicon Magazine.
– It was then, during middle school, that he decided he wanted to be a game designer.
– He didn’t know what to do to become a game designer, and doesn’t feel he put any real effort into achieving it.
– He bought a PC88 intending to learn how to program, but ended up just playing games on it.
– He attempted BASIC, but felt it was impossible for him and gave up quickly
– Iwata didn’t have a PC in high school, but he made games on a program calculator, which were played by someone else in his year
– One of Kamiya’s friends was a Sega fan, and owned a Mark 3; they would constantly discuss which was better between the Famicon and Mark 3
– They also argued over PC’s, with Kamiya owning a PC88, and his friend owning an MSX
– Kamiya’s other friend owned an X1, but was able to buy an X68000 due to his part time jobs
– Kamiya would buy his own X68000 games and play them on this friends PC
– Due to playing games and noy studying, Kamiya failed the exams for the school he was aiming for, and ended up going to his spare choice.
– This school was near the train station, and right near the game center, which he ended up going to every day on the way home from school
Batman: Arkham Origins – Blackgate – new piece of art
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments
Prima releasing official collector’s edition guide for Zelda: Wind Waker HD
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment

The next few months will be big for the Zelda series in terms of game guides. A few weeks ago, Prima revealed the special Legend of Zelda Box Set: Official Game Guide, containing six guides, a unique book holder, bookmark, and certificate of authenticity. We’ve now learned that Prima is also preparing “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Collector’s Edition: Prima Official Game Guide”.
It’ll include the following:
· Detailed walkthrough that covers each dungeon and side quest
· Strategies for defeating each boss and solving all puzzles
· Every secret revealed across the Great Sea including pieces of heart, sunken treasure and more
· All side quests covered in full detail and at the earliest point that they can be completed
· Hard cover with gold gilded pages
· Includes a cloth map of the Great Sea
You can pre-order the collector’s edition guide here for $36 and save $4 in the process. Amazon doesn’t list a release date, but it should be out alongside the Wii U game in October.
Injustice: Gods Among Us Zatanna gameplay to be shown on Monday, Cyborg Superman comes with DLC
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
If you’re looking for a first look at Zatanna in Injustice: Gods Among Us, you’ll want to tune in to to NetherRealm’s Twitch stream on Monday. The studio will be showing gameplay of the DLC character at 9 PM ET / 6 PM PT.
We will be showing #Zatanna gameplay and more this Monday night on our Live Stream! Join us on Twitch at 8:00PM CST.
— InjusticeGame (@InjusticeGame) August 8, 2013
Speaking of Zatanna, it’s been confirmed that Cyborg Superman will come with the character’s compatibility pack:
In case you're wondering… Cyborg Superman will be included with the compatibility pack for Zatanna!
— InjusticeGame (@InjusticeGame) August 9, 2013
Splinter Cell: Blacklist footage
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Video: Mega Kangaskhan reveal
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo now selling refurbished 3DS SD memory cards
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Joining Nintendo’s refreshed systems on the company’s online store are refurbished 3DS SD memory cards. At the moment, only a 16GB option appears to be available.
You can place an order for the refurbished SD card here. Pricing is set at $13.
Shovel Knight will be in Two Brothers
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

Shovel Knight will be appearing in Two Brothers, it has been confirmed. Ackk Studios, the team behind Two Brothers, shared the news in a Facebook post made earlier today.
It would appear that Shovel Knight’s appearance goes beyond a simple cameo. Two Brothers characters Roy and Bivare “will be getting help” from the main star of Yacht Club Games’ title.