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“E3Insider”, the official “hub” of the expo, has mentioned Call of Duty: Ghosts for Wii U.

Activision has flat out refused to confirm the first-person shooter for the console, despite the fact that all other versions of the game have been announced – including next-gen platforms.

The E3Insider site lists Wii U alongside the previously confirmed PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC versions.


PES 2013 was on the Wii (and 3DS) last year. Will the series finally make the jump to the Wii U?

Genius Sonority has created two Denpa Men games thus far. How about a third? If people play and enjoy The Denpa Men 2, executive director Chihiro Kobayashi says that the studio would “sure like to make a another”.

Another topic recently addressed by Kobayashi is the Wii U. Genius Sonority doesn’t have any plans for the console currently, but it is “strongly interested” in the console.


Nintendo will be bringing some of its E3 2013 demos to over 100 Best Buy locations next month, but it’s limited to just two days. Nintendo World Store, meanwhile, will allow fans to get a taste of these titles for five days. This will begin on June 11, according to the store’s official Twitter account.

Here’s the relevant tweet in full:


Ubisoft recently allowed the press to have hands-on time with Rayman Legends. Previews are just now starting to stream in. You can find details from one of these articles below, courtesy of Polygon.

– Updated lighting engine
– “Mansion of the Deep” level: mix of platforming and swimming sections
– This area features lighting that is used in underwater segments where glowing sentries search for Rayman and his pals
– Hide in the shadows behind platforms where light can’t shine through, avoiding detection
– Above water, you need to avoid deadly lasers and avoid being spotted by enemies
– These enemies happen to wear Sam Fisher-style night vision goggles
– Even with a reliance on stealth, it’s possible to sprint through a level like this
– “20,000 Lums Under the Sea” – all about swimming and light-based stealth
– This level has hidden paths for discovering secret pick-ups and hiding from searchlights
– Wii U exclusive level: “The Deadly Lights”
– In this level, one player can control Murfy for co-op puzzle-solving and stealth-based gameplay
– Player in control of Murfy can tap switches that turn off spotlights and move pipes and platforms with the touchscreen to block streams of light
– “Madman’s Creation” – boss fight
– In this level, Rayman and a partner cooperatively battle a giant mechanical dragon over a pit of spikes
– “Mariachi Madness: – conveyor belt-style musical levels which challenge the player to jump, punch and kick to the beat of a song featuring a mariachi-style instrumental version of Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger”
– Need to leap from platform to platform, jump over flying spiked centipedes and slash enemies as they slide down ziplines


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